Hats off to Gary Lineker

It sounds like Lord Triesman might be being punished for letting the cat out of the bag with regards to the bent bastards running the world game, I hope his comments are investigated myself and think the newspaper should win an award for raising the subject.

I also do not care if we get a the world cup I'd rather corruption in the game was exposed and erradicated rather than the fat cats at Fifa come here and fill their pockets at the expense of us supporters.
trueblue09 said:
supercity36 said:
no, he is making a statement of how fucking thick they were to print that story which could cost our whole bid, costing billions to our economy!

thanl you for correcting that fucking faggot who knew exactly why he did it but decides to want to make it a argument

No need for that 09, and how the feck will not hosting the world cup cost 'billions to our economy'?
kiam06 said:
It sounds like Lord Triesman might be being punished for letting the cat out of the bag with regards to the bent bastards running the world game, I hope his comments are investigated myself and think the newspaper should win an award for raising the subject.

I also do not care if we get a the world cup I'd rather corruption in the game was exposed and erradicated rather than the fat cats at Fifa come here and fill their pockets at the expense of us supporters.

It's doubtful the stories are even slightly true and, even if they were, The Mail hasn't printed this story for any lofty ideals, it's a blatent attempt to sell more papaers, pure and simple. There will be no investigation and the corruption everyone knows is rife within FIFA will remain untouched by this.
Good for Lineker .
Remember when you are watching Sunday Supplement the Journos on there are only interested in making headlines ,they could not give a shit about Englands chances.
I remember the evening before Keegan quit the England job ,they revealed the England team line up that Keegan was keeping secret until an hour before kick off ,givivng the Germans an advantage .They have no loyalty.
Matty said:
kiam06 said:
It sounds like Lord Triesman might be being punished for letting the cat out of the bag with regards to the bent bastards running the world game, I hope his comments are investigated myself and think the newspaper should win an award for raising the subject.

I also do not care if we get a the world cup I'd rather corruption in the game was exposed and erradicated rather than the fat cats at Fifa come here and fill their pockets at the expense of us supporters.

It's doubtful the stories are even slightly true and, even if they were, The Mail hasn't printed this story for any lofty ideals, it's a blatent attempt to sell more papaers, pure and simple. There will be no investigation and the corruption everyone knows is rife within FIFA will remain untouched by this.

Come on now, they are all 'at it' including the English FA, the only reason the papers don't highlight it more is they would be slitting their own throats as the Mail has found out this time by just touching on it.
kiam06 said:
Matty said:
It's doubtful the stories are even slightly true and, even if they were, The Mail hasn't printed this story for any lofty ideals, it's a blatent attempt to sell more papaers, pure and simple. There will be no investigation and the corruption everyone knows is rife within FIFA will remain untouched by this.

Come on now, they are all 'at it' including the English FA, the only reason the papers don't highlight it more is they would be slitting their own throats as the Mail has found out this time by just touching on it.

I'm not denying that many people at FIFA, and the FA for that matter, have their own agendas and are uinvolved in various levels of corruption. The Mail however have printed this article for the sole purpose of selling papers, they don't care about what's going on at FIFA or the FA, they don't even care if what they write is true or false (as long as the cost incurred in lying is less than the amount of revenue raised by lying). The Mail saw an opportunity to get a "scoop" and to sell papers and they took it, the consequences (England being pretty much knocked out of the running to host the World Cup) were immaterial to them.
Just for all those slagging The Mail, get a grip. It's not their bloody job to sell the 2018 bid, it's their job to sell papers. Look at the profile of that paper since the story broke, I bet their website has had a good few hundred thousand more hits as well, and all that means is increased advertising revenue.

As for Lineker, he is a bandjumping twat. If it's all about integrity, then fuck off and stop writing articles for any newpaper, as they're all as bad as each other. But like I said earlier, the nonce will have a column in another paper by this weekend.
malg said:
Just for all those slagging The Mail, get a grip. It's not their bloody job to sell the 2018 bid, it's their job to sell papers. Look at the profile of that paper since the story broke, I bet their website has had a good few hundred thousand more hits as well, and all that means is increased advertising revenue.

As for Lineker, he is a bandjumping twat. If it's all about integrity, then fuck off and stop writing articles for any newpaper, as they're all as bad as each other. But like I said earlier, the nonce will have a column in another paper by this weekend.

I dont read papers so i dont have to worry (-;
Matty said:
kiam06 said:
Come on now, they are all 'at it' including the English FA, the only reason the papers don't highlight it more is they would be slitting their own throats as the Mail has found out this time by just touching on it.

I'm not denying that many people at FIFA, and the FA for that matter, have their own agendas and are uinvolved in various levels of corruption. The Mail however have printed this article for the sole purpose of selling papers, they don't care about what's going on at FIFA or the FA, they don't even care if what they write is true or false (as long as the cost incurred in lying is less than the amount of revenue raised by lying). The Mail saw an opportunity to get a "scoop" and to sell papers and they took it, the consequences (England being pretty much knocked out of the running to host the World Cup) were immaterial to them.

The Mail obviously want to sell papers! I just don't understand the Fifa arse licking to get the world cup here, does it really matter if they choose the UK? It will be one big rip off from start to finish and filling the pockets of blokes like Jack Warner to get it is pretty low imo.
malg said:
Just for all those slagging The Mail, get a grip. It's not their bloody job to sell the 2018 bid, it's their job to sell papers. Look at the profile of that paper since the story broke, I bet their website has had a good few hundred thousand more hits as well, and all that means is increased advertising revenue.

As for Lineker, he is a bandjumping twat. If it's all about integrity, then fuck off and stop writing articles for any newpaper, as they're all as bad as each other. But like I said earlier, the nonce will have a column in another paper by this weekend.

Get a grip? The problem aint the dinamics of why they printed the story its the fact that they did. A world cup is a chance for England to come together as an united country no bullshit arguements about politcs or who supports which team, its England and where English, use to mean something and it use to be something to be proud of. In 2018 we could have shown the world that, but like always the twats of the media, who 99% of the time just print lies, are more intent on having people arguing or panicing over something. For once it would be nice to see the English media get behind the country, insted of just trying to make a cheap buck.

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