Have many of our “fans” become entitled?

I come back from a long, difficult absence toward the end of another amazing season in which the club has again achieved things beyond my wildest dreams as a young lad and what do I find?

Far too many posts on here and elsewhere calling players “shitebags”, complaining about players’ commitment, criticising Pep’s management, and just generally moaning about the club.

After one loss in a dead rubber with one of the single worst (read: bent) refereeing performances I have seen in three decades of supporting City, a few weeks before our first ever Champions League final!

And on Twitter I see many abusing our players (some racially, especially when it comes to Sterling) after less-than-stellar performances or runs of form.

How have so many of our “fans” become so ****ing entitled, bordering on ragish. Or abhorrent, full stop. I know it’s not everyone — there are plenty admonishing and rebuking these impish idiots (at best). But there are still too many of these “fans” for my comfort. They are not what our club is about. They aren’t representative of our values. Perhaps United’s or Liverpool’s, bit not City’s.

Am I seeing more than are actually there? Am I falling in to just another trap of football tribalism, except creating more “us v them” amongst our own?

That could be the case and I am happy to be convinced I am.

But as of late, it seems like there has been a surge of the worst sort of “fan” in our ranks and I worry that the various aspects of the pandemic (isolation, shift to online engagement, return to the hooligan culture for many disaffected in order to find community/purpose/lost power, etc.) has them quickly taking over. At least the most visible, vocal realm of our support, anyway.

What do you think? Am I exaggerating the issue? Is it really that bad? Or is it just a prominent minority of “fans” that will eventually be drowned out as things get back to whatever “normal” is once the virus is under relative control?

I won’t be able to respond to all posts, or quickly to any, but I do appreciate everyone’s thoughts as I have been ruminating on this for some time, especially in light of the recent ESL debacle.

I think the general reaction of supporters — especially those in Manchester — really showed who we are and what we want the club to represent, but I also saw plenty of questionable stances among those claiming to be City fans. And I wonder what would have been the response of the club if the seemingly “entitled” contingent, who mostly appeared to love the idea of the ESL, had more time to rise in the ranks. And whether that means a similar situation in the future, if things progress as they are in my view, may result in a very different outcome.

Perhaps this is all down to my loss of sympathy for those that don’t know how good they have it. Maybe I’ve become even more of a miserable **** than I was before.

Regardless, although I can only mostly read threads these days, @Ric, it’s probably best to remove my mod privileges as seeing these daft, entitled, ragish posts throughout, it’s only a matter of time before I muster the energy to wildly swing the hammer. And, at any rate, I can’t really properly moderate any more, and have shed most of my diplomatic skills, so best I go back to being limited to addlebrained contributions like this.

Up the Blues!
You forgot fans who won't be renewing their season tickets because they didn't get an email when they thought they should.
When most PL clubs fans expectations are to finish mid table and have a good cup run, I think we really need to look at the feast of football and trophies we are accruing.

You have to recall that a generation of United fans have grown up on glory - look at their protests now that they aren't winning it every single year - of course they say "no, it's down to the money being taken out of the club" but in reality since 2013 they have spent (net) almost the same as us on players*.

Any other club on the planet would be happy with a Europa final this year - but they don't count that as a trophy...oh wait, unles they win it then we will all know about it.

Do I want to win the league every year? Yes. Would I act like a self entitled ___ if we hadn't won it so many times recently? No.

*I use the word 'players' lightly as some of the dog turds they have spent a fortune on have been hilarious :D
I started a thread once titled 'City fans posting about City fans moaning about City fans moaning'

The general gist was that there are all sorts of people supporting City who have different dispositions to the same scenario. We have the laid back types, the pessimists, the optimists, the angry, the pompous, the old school, the lighthearted, the miserable and the fearful, to name drop just a tiny %.

My message was to not stress when people get stressed. Football is an emotive sport and open to many angles of opinion and conjecture, even from supporters of the same team.

Let people behave how they feel they need to, in victory and defeat; and ignore if it riles you.

If somebodies attitude or opinion is, in your opinion, entitled that is only your opinion.

I don't see that happening on here. I see fans expressing their viewpoint on the games as they see it. And a lot of it is warranted. Just because we have won pots doesn't mean we cannot comment or criticise.

The best moment to be objective and critical is when we are on an 'up', because if we let things slide we'll wake up one day and be Arsenal!!!

And nobody wants that!!!

P.s. my thread got pulled by the mods, btw. Not sure why. But I don't fancy your thread making it past tea time either!!! ;)
Maybe it's just the younger fans or ones that have jumped on the bandwagon after 2008.
City have one of the oldest fan bases, haven't we? I'd say most of us appreciate where we've come from and what we've been through. Weren't we a negative bunch back in the 80s and 90s? Mind you, we had plenty of reason back then! But yeah...reading some of the comments on the match day thread can be a bit depressing.
I'm always grateful that we're able to compete on all levels these days. Even when we're shit, i'm just happy we're there with a good chance.
I dunno, some of the older fans seem never happier when they are moaning, it seems like it's their favourite thing to do in the world. It might have been why they fell in love with City back in the dark days(ok that's too far, haha).

To put my psychiatry hat on for a minute, maybe for the ones who are always at it and always go over the top, it comes down to personalities and circumstances. Some people are genuinely unhappy/depressed and football is where they direct all that emotion(unfortunately for the players).

For the majority, who only do it when there's been a significant set back, it probably comes down to people dealing with disappointment differently.
I come back from a long, difficult absence toward the end of another amazing season in which the club has again achieved things beyond my wildest dreams as a young lad and what do I find?

Far too many posts on here and elsewhere calling players “shitebags”, complaining about players’ commitment, criticising Pep’s management, and just generally moaning about the club.

After one loss in a dead rubber with one of the single worst (read: bent) refereeing performances I have seen in three decades of supporting City, a few weeks before our first ever Champions League final!

And on Twitter I see many abusing our players (some racially, especially when it comes to Sterling) after less-than-stellar performances or runs of form.

How have so many of our “fans” become so ****ing entitled, bordering on ragish. Or abhorrent, full stop. I know it’s not everyone — there are plenty admonishing and rebuking these impish idiots (at best). But there are still too many of these “fans” for my comfort. They are not what our club is about. They aren’t representative of our values. Perhaps United’s or Liverpool’s, bit not City’s.

Am I seeing more than are actually there? Am I falling in to just another trap of football tribalism, except creating more “us v them” amongst our own?

That could be the case and I am happy to be convinced I am.

But as of late, it seems like there has been a surge of the worst sort of “fan” in our ranks and I worry that the various aspects of the pandemic (isolation, shift to online engagement, return to the hooligan culture for many disaffected in order to find community/purpose/lost power, etc.) has them quickly taking over. At least the most visible, vocal realm of our support, anyway.

What do you think? Am I exaggerating the issue? Is it really that bad? Or is it just a prominent minority of “fans” that will eventually be drowned out as things get back to whatever “normal” is once the virus is under relative control?

I won’t be able to respond to all posts, or quickly to any, but I do appreciate everyone’s thoughts as I have been ruminating on this for some time, especially in light of the recent ESL debacle.

I think the general reaction of supporters — especially those in Manchester — really showed who we are and what we want the club to represent, but I also saw plenty of questionable stances among those claiming to be City fans. And I wonder what would have been the response of the club if the seemingly “entitled” contingent, who mostly appeared to love the idea of the ESL, had more time to rise in the ranks. And whether that means a similar situation in the future, if things progress as they are in my view, may result in a very different outcome.

Perhaps this is all down to my loss of sympathy for those that don’t know how good they have it. Maybe I’ve become even more of a miserable **** than I was before.

Regardless, although I can only mostly read threads these days, @Ric, it’s probably best to remove my mod privileges as seeing these daft, entitled, ragish posts throughout, it’s only a matter of time before I muster the energy to wildly swing the hammer. And, at any rate, I can’t really properly moderate any more, and have shed most of my diplomatic skills, so best I go back to being limited to addlebrained contributions like this.

Up the Blues!
Fucking hell not been back long and your causing shit already:)
I’m convinced, especially on Twitter where abuse is rife, that lots are not City fans.

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