Have the nerves kicked in yet?

I think I was more nervous last week

Well maybe not nerves per se but I wanted the FA Cup over with. I always felt we would beat united but I couldn't stand the thought of losing to them, especially with the help of bent officials. So I just wanted that out of the way with a victory.

I'm really looking forward to tomorrow though. I've got complete belief in the team.
For some reason, I’m far more nervous for this game than the final against Chelsea. Maybe it’s the fact that the Champs League is more on my radar than it used to be, or the very real possibility than my club is on the verge of achieving something special, but I’m feeling really nervous/excited and counting down to kick off already. Just hope the team performs how we know they can and we should have this. Hopefully the recent previous experience of playing in the final will help the players to control their nerves which is the main thing.
I’m OK at the moment, can’t be there but wish I was. Pep just needs to pick the strongest team and trust them to play as we all know they can. Hopefully no silly decisions or injuries, or crowd trouble. Just do what we did in the quarter and semi-finals
No nerves at all, just like last week against the rags.

To be honest we should all be able to enjoy the game, best team will win and will deserve it. Plus I’m with Noel Gallagher on this, it’s a cup comp, no where close to performance over a season to be top of the league…or beating a club you hate in a historic final at Wembley. (Ok I added the last bit).

Just enjoy it blues.
I am in Italy and i am relaxed.Going out this evening for a meal and looking forward to having a laugh with some Inter fans.The Milan fans here all want City to win.

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