Have we become a bit paranoid and humourless?

Skashion said:
Had shit loads of fun with the Showsec steward yesterday.

"Joey do the sit down, Joey do the sit down" Brilliant.
He turned around and did the hand movement too.

It was a good response from the crowd when faced with the Showsec sit down nazi's.

'We're standing up, we're sitting down, we're standing up, we're sitting down!'

And then as she walks away defeated 'You're getting sacked in the morning'
Skashion said:
Had shit loads of fun with the Showsec steward yesterday.

"Joey do the sit down, Joey do the sit down" Brilliant.

yeah that was pretty funny yesterday.

She failed miserably.

"We stand when we want" chant got applause from Swansea too.

Brilliant piss take which will run and run.
I have to admit i expect to win nearly every match now we have all this money.Nights like wednesday always p** me off
baildon blue said:
I have to admit i expect to win nearly every match now we have all this money.Nights like wednesday always p** me off

they pissed me off when we didn't have a pot to piss in and the rags were buying trophies for fun
It's surprising how quickly fans turn into the same sort of fans they loathed when we were awful.

It's natural really, once a team starts doing well, fans gain confidence, and other fans see it as arrogance... you expect to win games and get the 'slapped arse' face when you lose.

Truth be told, we're no different, it's happening to us slowly, as it does with every club. Thankfully we're a long way short of a club that's won the league 19 times and refuses to be gracious towards a club that's just setting out to knock them off their perch.

I hope we learn from United... about how to temper our reactions and show a bit of dignity in a way they've never managed.
The conspiracy thing is in every club, even the Rags have them. Everyone just has this sort of "everyone hates us" mentality.

Liverpool, for example.
fat boy blue said:
The media bias is not new .We have been calling the MEN the MUEN, the mirror a red rag , being last on MoTD ,SSN not giving us fair hearing long before our Wonderful new owners arrived .
My other half says why watch/read it if its winds you up.I tell her to get back in the kitchen & make me some comfort food ,
Its all part of game. I secretly enjoy it
I honestly enjoy it. I don't want it to change. I would hate to have fake adulation, smoke blown up our arse by people who didn't want to or mean it, basically all those cünts we see lying their backsides off. I'd hate it, and I don't want it to happen. I want the media to keep it up, keep giving us shit, I prefer it. I prefer City to be a cult-like, alternative club. I never want to be the media darlings; it's all cringeworthy seeing them bake cakes over United and what it was like when Redknapp was at Spurs - leave it out!

"Aah aah, oah oah, we're gonna get along without you now"
Young said:
The conspiracy thing is in every club, even the Rags have them. Everyone just has this sort of "everyone hates us" mentality.

Liverpool, for example.
I've heard United fans moaning that there is an agenda against them and in favour of Liverpool. UEFA doesn't want them to win in Europe, that's why they got Keane and Scholes suspended from the 1999 final and got Fletcher suspended from the 2008 final; they can't watch MOTD with all the ex-Liverpool pundits and with Lineker who gave Ferguson shit that time; they think the refs are against them in England with the ref giving Arsenal loads of decisions when they won the title at Old Trafford in 2002 and also Drogba's offside goal was given to help Chelsea beat United to the title in 2010. Basically they think nobody has wanted United to get near or overtake Liverpool's 18 league titles and 5 European cups.

Yes, that club who appear to get sucked off at every opportunity by the media and seem to get all favourable calls going, they think there's an agenda against them!

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