Have we lost our fun since 2008 ?


Well-Known Member
29 Jan 2010
Its Guinness time any day of the week.
Ah yes, I remember that ungodly decade of the 1990`s.Up and down the various Football Leagues,more times than a pole dancers thighs.
Bum games at York,Wycombe,but local derbies against Macc,Crewe etc.Great days out and some of the chants us City fans would even sing about ourselves,piss funny at the time.
Bloody hell the away fans would come up with some wonderful put down chants.And what did our supports do ??
Well,of course,laugh with them and even try and outo them,with some wonderful chanting about how shit we really were.
Move on a decade !
Whats gone wrong ??
Why do some of our fans whinge like fook when a harmless bit of piss taking out of the Blues,turns into cry babies spitting their dum-dums out.
Have we become a set of fans who have tasted a bit of glory over the past 12 months and now throw tantrums because someone makes a great piss taking video about Hitler and Tevez.
As a set of fans are we becoming a bit to arrogant ? NO you can`t take the piss out of our Club.We are City ! The mighty City.The Worlds Richest Club !
Is it the younger element of our fans,who can`t grasp the fact,that you can have fun and piss take,even at the expense of our Club.
Fuck me,God rest him,Mr.Manning would still be making jokes up about our beloved Club.
I ask again !!
As a set of fans,why do we get sooooooooo upset,now that we have some cash ??
Please don`t use the word "respect" !
Yes,you the fans.Is it moreso the younger element who cant laugh ?
oakiecokie said:
Ah yes, I remember that ungodly decade of the 1990`s.Up and down the various Football Leagues,more times than a pole dancers thighs.
Bum games at York,Wycombe,but local derbies against Macc,Crewe etc.Great days out and some of the chants us City fans would even sing about ourselves,piss funny at the time.
Bloody hell the away fans would come up with some wonderful put down chants.And what did our supports do ??
Well,of course,laugh with them and even try and outo them,with some wonderful chanting about how shit we really were.
Move on a decade !
Whats gone wrong ??
Why do some of our fans whinge like fook when a harmless bit of piss taking out of the Blues,turns into cry babies spitting their dum-dums out.
Have we become a set of fans who have tasted a bit of glory over the past 12 months and now throw tantrums because someone makes a great piss taking video about Hitler and Tevez.
As a set of fans are we becoming a bit to arrogant ? NO you can`t take the piss out of our Club.We are City ! The mighty City.The Worlds Richest Club !
Is it the younger element of our fans,who can`t grasp the fact,that you can have fun and piss take,even at the expense of our Club.
Fuck me,God rest him,Mr.Manning would still be making jokes up about our beloved Club.
I ask again !!
As a set of fans,why do we get sooooooooo upset,now that we have some cash ??
Please don`t use the word "respect" !
Yes,you the fans.Is it moreso the younger element who cant laugh ?

Note the "this it how it feels" song, a younger element of fans sing it and a lot of older fans are moaning about it
I'd say it's the "older" fans that have lost the fun. Any result less than a victory (by a clear margin) and they can't get on here fast enough to complain.
oakiecokie said:
Ah yes, I remember that ungodly decade of the 1990`s.Up and down the various Football Leagues,more times than a pole dancers thighs.
Bum games at York,Wycombe,but local derbies against Macc,Crewe etc.Great days out and some of the chants us City fans would even sing about ourselves,piss funny at the time.
Bloody hell the away fans would come up with some wonderful put down chants.And what did our supports do ??
Well,of course,laugh with them and even try and outo them,with some wonderful chanting about how shit we really were.
Move on a decade !
Whats gone wrong ??
Why do some of our fans whinge like fook when a harmless bit of piss taking out of the Blues,turns into cry babies spitting their dum-dums out.
Have we become a set of fans who have tasted a bit of glory over the past 12 months and now throw tantrums because someone makes a great piss taking video about Hitler and Tevez.
As a set of fans are we becoming a bit to arrogant ? NO you can`t take the piss out of our Club.We are City ! The mighty City.The Worlds Richest Club !
Is it the younger element of our fans,who can`t grasp the fact,that you can have fun and piss take,even at the expense of our Club.
Fuck me,God rest him,Mr.Manning would still be making jokes up about our beloved Club.
I ask again !!
As a set of fans,why do we get sooooooooo upset,now that we have some cash ??
Please don`t use the word "respect" !
Yes,you the fans.Is it moreso the younger element who cant laugh ?

Great post.

Ever since I was a kid it's been in our DNA that if it can go wrong then it will. Many of us have supported City through the dark days of the early 60's, into the halcyon days of Joe & Big Mal, and the successful early/mid 70's before it inevitably all went wrong again (in varying degrees) through the 80's & 90's.

Throughout that time we've always had that ability to have a laugh along the way, no matter what the fates threw at us. It just made the good times even better, and the bad times bearable.

God forbid we lose our famed sense of humour about our beloved Club, and God forbid we forget just who we are and where we have been. Let's just enjoy the ride to where we are going.<br /><br />-- Tue Oct 11, 2011 1:04 pm --<br /><br />
SWP's back said:
I'd say it's the "older" fans that have lost the fun. Any result less than a victory (by a clear margin) and they can't get on here fast enough to complain.

Please don't judge all us 'older fans' by the few who like to have a moan.
There are many of us who still have fun supporting City - win, lose or draw.
See my previous post.
The people I only ever really see moaning at the games are older blokes (50+) and birds to be honest. I don't want to generalise either catagory because they aren't all the same, obviously, but they are the two worst.

I think out support was better all round back in the 90's. More variety of songs, songs, more tavelling to away games, more younger lads, younger average age of fans...

These days I think there's a shortage of young lads supporting City.
Well I might have been less cheery - but this helps..............

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nXC1HyaUEM&feature=player_embedded#" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nXC1Hya ... _embedded#</a>

Camelface is a real 'presence' - but look out for the introduction of 'Raul' and Brian Giggs!!!! - bet he fely like twatting the bloke
Its the older bunch, the 'I was born in the Kippax' lot.

They need to liven up and jump on board, seems like a lot dont know the songs, like they have been away for 5-10 years and suddenly come bk.....
I don't think we've lost it particularly. Away days are still good fun but we have a higher expectation level these days. It used to be that we'd go to games with no expectations and just concentrate on enjoying ourselves. We also always used to be at one or other end of one or other league so we almost always had something riding on games.

However these days we go to places like Blackburn and expect a comfortable win. But think back to that FA Cup quarter final there in 2007. That wasn't fun.

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