First monster crush on the devine Birgithe german excange trip. I drank some home-made bilberry wine at a party. I may have said I thought I loved her. She said I didn't. She was right of couse, though it crushed me like a paper cup in the fist of an angry 70's cop.
I was then a heartless, cheating wanker for many years ùntil the next kaboom. Girl I met through work halls in london. Hook, line, sinker, reel and anglers stool went in to that one. She shagged a rep on an 18-30 holiday. I moped, I thought about writing to "my tune", I had lots of revenge sex, I liked that, I had lots more. Not really loved anyone properly since then (including the This! chaps' mum) until I met the current Mrs This!... though keeping with the theme, she's on HRT and bonkers!