Have you seen some of the comments from neutrals!?

if City have the kind of success the bitters have had,will the neutrals have the same viewpoint? I hope we can play our part and be as sporting in victory as we have been in years of failure,and not be dragged down to the bitters.
Thanks to all the non-City fans posting, its making this a great thread.
Your stories of the game are keeping me on cloud nine, and I never want to get off.
It just amazes me all the neutrals that are taking the time to sign up and post on here. Really special stuff and I sincerely thank the lot of you. Reading the posts and reactions are making me well up again. I can't count the number of times since Sunday that I've been on the verge of tears.
Manchestercitychorlton said:
To be honest I couldn't give a shit what any neutral fan says. This is ours to enjoy, nobody elses and we deserve it.

that kind of attitude is why united are hated so much,dont get like them.
acquiesce said:
It just amazes me all the neutrals that are taking the time to sign up and post on here. Really special stuff and I sincerely thank the lot of you. Reading the posts and reactions are making me well up again. I can't count the number of times since Sunday that I've been on the verge of tears.


Was going to write my whole thoughts on the negative press and how it feels to be City ( which the meeja will never understand). But fk it.

All these responses show just how incredible Sunday was, not just for us, but for the whole football family here and worldwide.

I can only echo the sentiments of many on here, Thank you so much for taking the time to post how it felt as a neutral. It's incredibly heartwarming and seriously makes me choke back the tears every time.
BlueBilly said:
jamielowndes said:
bluebirdie said:
No, you wouldn't, would you? Except for most of the Stoke fans in the pub where we were sat (with one other blue family over the other side, the lovely ones who's grandad came over offering a puff of his heart spray after Dzeko's goal ;D ) who screamed with joy when QPR scored and were shaking their heads at the end. Hate living here.

I live in Stoke on Trent too actually. The bullshit about money ruining the game is just annoying as fuck. Ive been to a few Stoke games as a proverbial neutral. They call Disneyland "The Happiest Place on Earth", the Britannia Stadium is the complete opposite. All they do is give the referee shit, and they chanted "boring" when Valencia were passing it around. I remember some old guy trying to convince me that Stoke were outplaying them. Fucking hell.

Unbelievable! So it's not just me then! I live in Stafford and when I went into my sixth form common room yesterday, everybody was congratulating me, saying how happy they were for us, Chelsea, Arsenal, West Brom, Wolves, Villa, Birmingham, Newcastle, everyone, except the fucking Stoke fans! They were all miserable! I really don't understand it, I was getting 'yeah but you bought it though didn't you'. Incredible.

Yesterday wasn't just a victory for us, it was a victory for football. It shows that arrogance comes back to bite you on the arse, and it shows that if you support your club through thick and thin then maybe one day a rich Arab man will descend upon your club and make your dreams come true.

I'm a Manc exiled in Stafford....... All I can put it down to is an inferiority complex because of that ridiculous bloody accent,...it's a cross to bear for them, poor "duck's"

Youngest lad about to join up so one day soon we might be able to up sticks and move back oop North
Against all the odds i managed to get the day off the ship and get to the game.I had an horrendous journey from Kent,having to go via Leeds then a bus journey,falling exhausted on the settee at about five am for a few hours kip,before going to the match.I then had to go back straight after the celebrations ready for work the next morning.

The crew,a mixture of fans were packed into the messroom watching the game.They were all ready to give me stick when i got back when it looked like we had blown it.However,when the winner went in i was told the whole messroom erupted in joy.Wonderful stuff.

The reasons i think proper football fans celebrated with us is because they ARE us.We represent them.A once proud succesful club plunged into misery and despair for decades and with our noses rubbed in the dirt by the rags and the media at every turn.

In us they see them.They associate with our pain and our childlike disbelief and joy that our 'Father Christmas',someone the killjoys told us never existed and would never turn up,actually did.

Thank you to each and every one of them who shared our joy and who have posted on here.I was choked up on Sunday and coming home from work tonight and reading this post has set me off again.I sincerely pray each and every one of you get to experiance the same one day.Believe.We did and one day it actually came true!

PS:As a postscript after the madness had died down and i was on my way to the station i checked my phone.The first message was from an ardent United fan who offered his congatulations and said,''What a day!'' They have some good fans and it is a pity they are let down by their bully of a manager and some of the thick planks who play for them.

Have a great summer everyone,see you next season!
I used to think I'd hate you if you won it.

I ain't gonna lie.

I thought the process of your success was wrong, I thought you didn't deserve it.

But the truth is, after THAT winner, with the pictures of your fans on the pitch, crying their eyes out, nah, I couldn't help but be happy for City.

It doesn't matter how it was done, the City fans earned the trophy.

I've always seen City, Everton and Spurs in a bracket - the lesser of the cites.

You lot have broken the spell, regardless of the route, I only hope Everton and us will join you.

Hats off City.
Tottenham Dave said:
I used to think I'd hate you if you won it.

I ain't gonna lie.

I thought the process of your success was wrong, I thought you didn't deserve it.

But the truth is, after THAT winner, with the pictures of your fans on the pitch, crying their eyes out, nah, I couldn't help but be happy for City.

It doesn't matter how it was done, the City fans earned the trophy.

I've always seen City, Everton and Spurs in a bracket - the lesser of the cites.

You lot have broken the spell, regardless of the route, I only hope Everton and us will join you.

Hats off City.
Facking 'ell geezer! A ''deeecent'' Tottenham fan. Quick; wrap him in cotton wool and protect him!


Seriously though; thanks for the kind words mate. Much appreciated.

Still haven't forgiven you lot for breaking an 18 year old's heart back in 1981 though!
BCFCJosh said:
Alright everyone, Bristol City fan here deciding to share my experience of the match as a neutral.

Before the match I knew that you wouldn't do anything to any plan and I actualy told my dad that it would go right down to the wire. Then Toure got injured and it seemed like QPR were just trying to ruin your celebrations. Then Zabaleta scored and I went fucking mental...

Of course, it being you lot you had to do something horrendous to scare the absolute shite out of everyone and so you duly went and conceded some horrible goals against 10 men. At this point I was desolate, sick to my stomach like I have only been a few times in my football watching life. Paddy Kenny was deciding not to be shit at the worst possible time for me and for all of you.

So I'm screaming at Mancini to take Tevez off and put Dzeko and Balotelli on, foolishly believing that there was hope. Dzeko had a shot denied by Kenny's foot, Balotelli had one brilliantly saved, QPR were defending like they hadn't defended all season and I was hurtling towards the abyss. The lowest point was probably when Dzeko's shot went out for a throw in.

But my Dad was telling me that there was still hope and I think I gave him short shrift and probably swore. Dzeko scores. I jump up and shout. 4 minutes left! QPR resort to lumping it away. Aguero is a cool head and he gives it to Balotelli. The guy's on the floor but he plays an inspired pass into the space...

...Aguero runs onto the ball, Onuoha tries to delegitate him or something, and then he hits it. Time stood still for me.

And then everything went mental. I hit the wall so hard I broke a knuckle and I celebrated a goal like I have never done before as a neutral. The only times I have ever celebrated more have been when we've left it late (David Noble in the playoffs in 2008, Chris Wood this year vs Coventry, Scott Murray vs Middlesbrough in 2007).

The reason why it meant so much is because Man Utd are arsewipes. Their plastic fans crawl out of the woodwork every time they win something to denounce the fans of the team that they have just beaten and announce that they are so fucking fantastic. Howard Webb is clearly in their pocket and so are most of the others.

You played the best football this year by far and in many ways it was a travesty that you had to win on the last day. But you did. And it was well-deserved. Don't get too big for your boots and stay true to your roots even when you get the inevitable hoardes of Thai good-time-fans who have supported City ever since Kompany lifted the trophy.

However, fuck you all for nicking Shaun Goater and making him famous, fuck you all for breaking my hand, and fuck the people who disabled smilies as they would have made this post so much better.

But thanks for the excellent football, thanks for all the great players you have lured to our fine country, and above all thanks for giving me the most orgasmic 25 seconds of neutral fandom ever...

Also, regarding Stoke fans -- they are all pieces of shit. Inbred shit.

1st post. Might as well be your last and quit now as they won't get any better than that. Cheers Josh.

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