Heard some sh*te on the terrace against Blackpool

Re: Heard some shite on the terrace against Blackpool

Nreddishblue said:
Half the time I want City to win to piss off these moaning city fans.

Half the time I need to piss but city are winning so I have to wait until half time
TheMightyQuinn said:
The angriest/thickest fans make up for their cunitshness by turning up 15 minutes late, leaving for HT 15 mins early, turning up for 2nd half 15 mins late then leaving 15 mins early.

Yes, they're tits but come on, you only need endure their witless, dickery for about 30 mins per game at a push so leave off.

this really gets on my tits
Guy near me claimed Tevez was missing the chances on purpose and he should "fuck off back to Argentina". This from a ST in 117 who despises Yaya.
Blues fans slagging off Blues players is certainly nothing new.
At the swamp a few years ago some idiots behind me was "goater youre sh1it" "WTF was that Goater" etc etc for most of the first half, I started "Nice pass Paulo" etc to try and educate them, other caught on and joined me, but no, Goater was shit & they were right, up until the Goat was brought on with about 5 or 10 minutes to go in the second half.
has to be said i havent heard so many moaning fuckers at a game (which we won and played quite well in althought it was an open and exciting game) for well, eve5r really.

im in ss level1 on quite near the back next to away fans.

i think it is a few contributing factors, firstly alot of folk were very hung over and i thought this might make then miserable buggers.

Secondly i was one of these hungover folk and didnt really make any noise due to trying not to spew most of the game, this meany i could hear more folk than normal.

it does piss me right off tho when players get shit right from the off, yaya was getting dogs abuse before he even kicked a ball.

its quite awkward as over the years we have got quite pally with the guys behind us and their kids, going to a few aways and having a beer after the game sometimes but one of them is the worst culprit and he is loud as fuck.
it really had an effect on the atmos in the immediate surround.
the thing is he is actually quite clued up about football but clearly has it out for a few players and unless were 4-0 up by half time he gets on their case.

its a shame but what can you say really? he is genuinley a sound bloke and been following them for a lot longer than i have (he's in his 50's , i'm in my 30's)

i think some people cant deal with the pressure of how well we are doing i guess
I lost my rag at the game yesterday, some tossers saying Yaya doesn't run enough. Don't know who's games they have been watching for the last 2 months!!
have to hold my hand up here...after a misplaced pass,i shouted "you cart horse" at the top of my voice....realised what i,d said,went bright red and apologised to the guy next to me.....
Re: Heard some shite on the terrace against Blackpool

mcfcliam said:
Gadger said:
Try sitting in 105.

A woman that looks like a combination of a troll and a shameless extra and she spouts more shit than is humanely possibly at every home game. I wouldn't mind if she dished it out on footballing ability but there's very obvious racial conitations behind her verbal onslaughts.

<dailymailrant> I bet she's on the fucking dole too </dailymailrant>

Row G?

Yeah, g or h.
inbetween said:
I lost my rag at the game yesterday, some tossers saying Yaya doesn't run enough. Don't know who's games they have been watching for the last 2 months!!

You took a rag to the game?


Seriously, these muppets who slag off our players during the game get on my nerves too. If you want to moan, moan AFTER the game!

Mind you, it won't change. Some people don't know what SUPPORT means.
Re: Heard some shite on the terrace against Blackpool

MadchesterCity said:
Nreddishblue said:
Half the time I want City to win to piss off these moaning city fans.

100% of the time I want City to win all of the time! :)

What i dont get is when we got it so good why all the moaning

Wiv too many part-time fans. I'm a 25hrs-a-day-want-City-to win-man, meself.

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