Help needed to block FC UTD!

AndyFcum said:
Matty said:
Some neighbours living on nearby St Mary’s Road had opposed the move, claiming the stadium would lead to parking chaos. But FC United have now included a park-and-ride scheme to ease their concerns.

I take it this will be compulsary? No? Ok, so an entirely useless service that no-one intending to drive in the first place will ever use.

if we get permission to build we will prove to residents that we are determined to be good neighbours

......and if we don't, fuck em, we've already got the stadium at that point.

Invented, biased lying rubbish; why do you even bother??!
Just think of all the traffic issues that Manchester will face when the Sheik starts to build your "get around the FIFA fair play rules" project across Eastlands .....oh but I suppose that will be different, won't it?

So you think we'll just be building the Etihad Campus without addressing the local infrastructure? Of course not. The impact of increased numbers of people entering the area will be considered and dealt with accordingly, there's already a metrolink station being buitl directly outside the ground for starters. Lets not forget that this area already has a 48,000 seater stadium within it so is already used to dealing with high volumes of traffic. But I suppose Moston is also used tho this isn't it? No?

The intention of the above was to address just how empty and, ultimately, irrelevant these "promises" are. FCUM can introduce as many "park and ride" schemes as they like, but if your fans decide to drive anyway they will make ZERO difference to the parking/traffic issues the residents raise. Plus the comment relating to being "good neigbours" is just an empty statement, it promises nothing concrete, measurable or tangible and, should the locals deem FCUM to NOT be good neighbours, what then? Will your club say "Ok, fair do's, we did say we'd be good neighbours, and that hasn't worked out, so we'll move elsewhere"? Of course not. You'll continue to hold your matches in the stadium the locals never wanted and you'll continue to behave in the same manner.

-- Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:49 am --

AndyFcum said:
No answer on the traffic then? We already know about the TAL rumour; money talks eh? Remember this? <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... -deal.html</a>

I remember laughing at the absudity of it all. To think that your stadium being rejected had anything to do with our stadium deal is proposterous. The difference in scale of these two things is about as dramatic as it could be, your stadium is tiny, miniscule, in comparison.

ALL councils are having to reduce spending and, perhaps, it was deemed a waste of money in such times to build a stadium that very few people want or care about? I mean, your stadium was going to cost the council money, our deal is bringing in millions of pounds over an extended period. In short, the two have nothing to do with each other, and any suggestion otherwise by FCUM is laughable and serious overestimates your influence/appeal to Mancunians.
Probably alluding to the fact that the land was granted into the care of the city council on the basis that it remained as green space for sporting activities by the public.

Building on it and making it the private preserve of a business - ergo; a football club (however small and useless it may be) would put the council in breach of it's duty under the original agreement.
The only way that they can get round it would be to put it to a local postal ballot - as the public could relinquish it's rights (if it were barking mad).

A similar issue arose some 30 years ago when the council attempted to build houses on part of Boggart Hole Clough and the councils proposals were voted down by public ballot.

If anyone's got a solicitor involved then please mention this to them because I'm a local and I don't want the rag rejects anywhere near the area.

PS. pm me for me more detail if needed.
Well if todays performance at Chester was anything to go off FCUM shouldn't get a thing.... setting off smoke bombs ignoring requests to sit down singing anti city songs...which If I read right they don't do??? bunch of big time charlies with zero regard for safety rules and laws. Grateful Chester woke up enough to win!
Bluemoonbaldboy said:
Well if todays performance at Chester was anything to go off FCUM shouldn't get a thing.... setting off smoke bombs ignoring requests to sit down singing anti city songs...which If I read right they don't do??? bunch of big time charlies with zero regard for safety rules and laws. Grateful Chester woke up enough to win!

Haha, what a bunch of fucking turds.
stony said:
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
Oh yes...... our barrister will LOVE that bit of info uncovered today ;)

Spill the beans

No, I can't - don't wish to tip them off so they can counter it before the end date for objections etc. Sorry for being evasive to fellow Blues but the point of my post was just to get that message over to Andyfcum (as we all know he loves coming on here!)
it has nothing to do with the land, we know very well about the covenant etc, once the objections / support letters date has ended I will spill the beans, but until now, my lips are sealed ;)

-- Sat Jul 16, 2011 7:03 pm --

A letter in today's MEN

Regarding the furore over FC United's proposal to build a 500 seater stadium on St Mary's Rd.
On the evening on Monday 10th July, a group of FC United 'supporters', dressed in their club regalia, gathered around the area taking photographs and generally making a nusience of themselves.
A lady who was passing took them to task about their activities and was met with a lot of abuse.
They made so much noise that the neighbours came out to see just what was going on.
Is this the general standard of 'supporters' that FC United are proposing to bring a quiet residential area?
Or perhaps Andy Walsh of the club could assure us that they are not.
Peter, Moston

(the 500 seater stadium bit was a typo in the letter)

Here was the incident itself (apparently they took a few takes!!)

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