Help needed to block FC UTD!

AndyFcum said:
Stuart said:
stony said:
Personally I hope they crash and burn and never find a home. A club formed for all the wrong reasons, made up of turncoats and tosspots who've managed to retain the very worst traits of the club they supposedly turned their backs on. I say supposedly because most of them still support the rags.

Here, here.
MCFC are a fucking joke of a set up. Embarrassing. As soon as Sheik Mymoney fuck's off we'll be all be back looking for another random dictator/international criminal owner so we can dream again of competing with Trafford Rangers.

Well I take it up the shitter on a regular basis, so, if you say so.
Ask your 'Mr Walsh' if he remembers trying to give it the rag big 'un and step up to me in the Palace nightclub, Levenshulme, about 20 years ago.
Ask him if he then remembers almost literally shitting his pants when I afforded him the opportunity to step outside and continue the discussion in more robust and physical terms in the car park.
A typical rag, he looked around for numbers, saw it wasn't there and ran like a woman.
Come to think of it, he was a smug **** called Andy as well. Surely not...
5,000 capacity? lack of ambition there. There again if and when the Glazers go despite the talk of the club continuing how could it? the very reason for it's birth would be gone. If the Glazers go would there be the same passion and drive. I really doubt it and could see the club sliding back down to the Vodkat League instead of the Evostick Premier where they are.

Living in Chester I do have respect a little for FCUM their advice along with AFC Telford and supporters direct helped with the formation of Chester Fc but thats where the similarities stop, both Telford and Chester are different from FCUM they were formed after previous clubs collapsed there was already a fan base there. This whole we need our own stadium lark is for me rubbish and could lead to a disused white elephant within a few years. Supporter owned clubs are the way forward at lower levels but I just really question would the FCUM fan base stay if and when as I said above happens?
LongsightM13 said:
Ask your 'Mr Walsh' if he remembers trying to give it the rag big 'un and step up to me in the Palace nightclub, Levenshulme, about 20 years ago.
Ask him if he then remembers almost literally shitting his pants when I afforded him the opportunity to step outside and continue the discussion in more robust and physical terms in the car park.
A typical rag, he looked around for numbers, saw it wasn't there and ran like a woman.
Come to think of it, he was a smug **** called Andy as well. Surely not...

Made me laugh!
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
AndyFCUM, not answering my two comments from the Bury Times about parking ;)

I think you'll find he only answers questions he thinks he can provide an answer to that fully supports his point of view. He's completely ignored the legalities of the use of the land, as well as the detrimental affect the stadium will have on house prices, traffic congestion etc.
Couple of 'anti' letters and a picture of a recent 'no to FC' protest in the M.E.N. tonight. It doesnt look good to me.
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
AndyFcum said:
bluemanc said:
I've had a look around the various forums that are debating this & we are getting a fair bit of blame for blocking it. Anybody expressing anything like an opposition opinion is either being treated with contempt or being accused of being a City fan,this mob seem to expect to be allowed to do what they want,funny that innit.

Well many usernames have the word "blue" and even "Kompany" in them so obviously your fans are pushing your anti united agenda. The rest of your post is made up, shock horror.

My name on the MEN forum has been Moston Blue for years. I have commented on lots of issues under this name, so does that make me a bitter blue on every single issue?
This issue for me is not about being blue or whatever. It is for being green. I have voted green for over 20 years, and worked for 2 environmental charities for a total of 17 years out of the last 19 years. The playing fields are on a green field and a field that is under a covenant. That is what I am fighting to protect.
If Manchester city council can get that covenant overturned (that was given to them as guardians) then MCC can concrete over every piece of green land they own.
This proposal has to be stopped for that reason and that reason alone.
I have no anti United / FCUM agenda here - in fact I feel for FCUM who have been shafted by MCC over Ten Acres Lane and left to fend for themselves over the Moston dispute against local residents.
I completely understand why FCUM want their own stadium and want it within the city boundaries. But this Moston proposal is so wrong on a number of reasons and I will defend that patch of land as best I can.
FCUM are welcome in Moston, but not on a green and covenanted land.....


I respect all your views and comments on the proposals on the new GROUND not stadium...but what most fcum fans find hard to believe is the land you want to save.....its overgrown, its fenced off, and an eyesore... yes its green and maybe the only green bit you have within the area....but it needs attention and a lot of hard work to update...why is it now your only highlighting the issue? why not do it prior to fce plans if you felt some much for your green belt of Moston??
Matty and Madeyeddreamer

MED you're a hypocrite you've already said you'd park where YOU wanted in Moston because "I pay my road tax", maybe you were visiting Bury back in 2009, lol. Desperate clutching at straws digging up a 2 year old parking story on persons unknown/Bury Fans??

Re the Stadium...Don’t you read the MEN? False claims of parking charges have already been denied in print by the city Council andFC United (it's not in our traffic management plans). Similar false claims aired in the press about our fans damaging cars in Moston has already resulted in a retraction in the MEN/North and East Manchester papers and claims of falling house prices are also unproven (in fact the opposite is usually the case). Additional false claims and hysterical public scaremongering from people with out-dated attitudes towards modern football supporters, claiming the development will bring rampaging fans, drunkenness, violence, graffiti and vandalism into Moston; are all just opinion, not the reality. (Maybe something for City to think about?).
Re the legalities.....There is a charitable covenant only on part of the site, the FC United ground and clubhouse would not be built on this part. The covenant seeks to retain land for recreational use and our overall proposal would enhance access to this land and increase the opportunity for participation in recreational activities, but will be subject to a decision by the Charities Commission. However, this access could stop anyway as a residents group are now looking into excluding Moston Juniors FC from ever using this field again, assuming FC United is unsuccessful in its application. What good would this possible outcome be for bringing through young Mancunian footballers or for English football in general?

BTW we don't "continually sing sings about you," arf.
AndyFcum said:
BTW we don't "continually sing sings about you," arf.

No, not at all.




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