Help needed to block FC UTD!

LongsightM13 said:
FCTraitor Andy still hasn't answered the parking permit question asked days and pages ago.
No mention whatsoever of steamrollering legally binding covenants or the wishes of local people.
We should ask Sheikh Mansour to buy the land and build Moston Juniors a changing room, just for the craic.
He's blocked(that's what they thought) it once he can block it again.
LongsightM13 said:
FCTraitor Andy still hasn't answered the parking permit question asked days and pages ago.
No mention whatsoever of steamrollering legally binding covenants or the wishes of local people.
We should ask Sheikh Mansour to buy the land and build Moston Juniors a changing room, just for the craic.

Sticks and stones..........Here you go, from the MEN............

"Annette McGovern, chairman of the Residents United Residents Association, led a protest against the plans. She claimed the move would see homeowners charged to park outside their houses on match days. She said: “We feel that there is a real issue with parking – we could be charged up to £120 per car, per year, just to park in front of our homes.
But Mr Walsh (FC United General Manager) said the plans did not include a parking permit system and a spokesman from Manchester Council said their schemes were free of charge."

Sorry to burst your balloon, I expect we'll get another public retraction.

Near Gigg Lane they have a mix of permanent signposted residents' only parking zones and temporary cones on matchdays on some of the feeder roads nearer to the ground. Both Bury FC and FC United respect the zones etc and the residents in the general neighbourhood which is larger with more expensive properties than the area around the site in Moston and we get on fine. We have already stated in print that we are prepared to provide volunteer traffic marshalls around the ground and we continue to listen to residents' concerns/suggestions before the final plan is submitted.
Volunteer traffic marshalls?
They have absolutely NO powers at all. I f I was to drive somewhere and a ''volunteer traffic marshall'' approached me and said ''please do not park here'' I would say ''am I breaking the law?'' and if the reply was ''no'', i would say ''my car is taxed and insured, i'm parking here thank you very much, now leave me alone''.

There are many side streets off St Mary's Road and the Miners Estate too. Then the side streets around the upper and mid Lightbowne Road and then the side streets off the upper Moston Lane. You would need many, many, many plastic powerless traffic marshalls to manage that. And how many minutes before the game starts do they abandon their position? Not workable at all.
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
Volunteer traffic marshalls?
They have absolutely NO powers at all. I f I was to drive somewhere and a ''volunteer traffic marshall'' approached me and said ''please do not park here'' I would say ''am I breaking the law?'' and if the reply was ''no'', i would say ''my car is taxed and insured, i'm parking here thank you very much, now leave me alone''.

There are many side streets off St Mary's Road and the Miners Estate too. Then the side streets around the upper and mid Lightbowne Road and then the side streets off the upper Moston Lane. You would need many, many, many plastic powerless traffic marshalls to manage that. And how many minutes before the game starts do they abandon their position? Not workable at all.

Wow, nice guy, is that how you behave on our streets, or what City fans are like?! Good job you lot aren't moving to Moston!

Traffic Marshalls? Easily workable. FC volunteer marshalls would only be working with our own support on a matchday, (the ones in the red and white scarves?) most of whom would already have got the message from our Board and parked out of the way. No problem enforcing this as we all own the Club and want it to succeed. So what powers do the marshalls need? and we've been self-policing for 6 years.

There is to be a car park by the ground and the neccessity for providing further parking space is under investigation with the City Council, but the main entrance and focus for supporters/traffic is from Lightbowne Road. We're not gonna block up a main road and the Miners Estate, we already know the estate well and understand all of this.
I'm not sure how many fans you think there are at FC, but many don't come to matches by car anyway.

Hopefully traffic management shouldn't be a problem for us at all, unless you fancy coming along, lol. We already have a range of experienced volunteers such as match stewards, turnstyle operators, programme sellers, management staff etc., so we should be ok, assuming we get the go-ahead and there's a way to go yet.
AndyFcum said:
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
Volunteer traffic marshalls?
They have absolutely NO powers at all. I f I was to drive somewhere and a ''volunteer traffic marshall'' approached me and said ''please do not park here'' I would say ''am I breaking the law?'' and if the reply was ''no'', i would say ''my car is taxed and insured, i'm parking here thank you very much, now leave me alone''.

There are many side streets off St Mary's Road and the Miners Estate too. Then the side streets around the upper and mid Lightbowne Road and then the side streets off the upper Moston Lane. You would need many, many, many plastic powerless traffic marshalls to manage that. And how many minutes before the game starts do they abandon their position? Not workable at all.

Wow, nice guy, is that how you behave on our streets, or what City fans are like?! Good job you lot aren't moving to Moston!

Traffic Marshalls? Easily workable. FC volunteer marshalls would only be working with our own support on a matchday, (the ones in the red and white scarves?) most of whom would already have got the message from our Board and parked out of the way. No problem enforcing this as we all own the Club and want it to succeed. So what powers do the marshalls need? and we've been self-policing for 6 years.

There is to be a car park by the ground and the neccessity for providing further parking space is under investigation with the City Council, but the main entrance and focus for supporters/traffic is from Lightbowne Road. We're not gonna block up a main road and the Miners Estate, we already know the estate well and understand all of this.
I'm not sure how many fans you think there are at FC, but many don't come to matches by car anyway.

Hopefully traffic management shouldn't be a problem for us at all, unless you fancy coming along, lol. We already have a range of experienced volunteers such as match stewards, turnstyle operators, programme sellers, management staff etc., so we should be ok, assuming we get the go-ahead and there's a way to go yet.
Just been on Granada.
The Moston Juniors banner at the end would suggest the only support you have is yours,it's interesting this "consultaion"that keeps cropping up in these interviews,when the full consultation process has been completed the bottom line will still be you are not wanted.
How you get round this when making your presentation to Manchester Council will be interesting, or how the Council do it could be nearer the truth,these thing are often a sham & the decision has already been made,we shall see.
I still believe the best option is amalgamating with Newton Heath AFC,if only Bill Gates had taken over at the swamp eh!........sorry, the breakaway would still have happened that woudn't have made any difference to your moral stance would it.
AndyFcum said:
Near Gigg Lane they have a mix of permanent signposted residents' only parking zones and temporary cones on matchdays on some of the feeder roads nearer to the ground. Both Bury FC and FC United respect the zones etc and the residents in the general neighbourhood which is larger with more expensive properties than the area around the site in Moston and we get on fine. We have already stated in print that we are prepared to provide volunteer traffic marshalls around the ground and we continue to listen to residents' concerns/suggestions before the final plan is submitted.

Gigg Lane was built in 1885 so I think it's fair to say that anyone owning a house anywhere remotely near the ground knew what they were getting into when they bought it. The residents of Moston have NEVER had a football stadium on their doorstep and, it would seem from the protests and complaints, don't want one. I'd be astounded if the outcome of any "consultation" was anything other than this. You can put up signs, use marshalls and whatever else you say you'll do, none of that will change the fact that for 3/4 of the year, every other weekend, you'll have thousands of people flooding into an area that has never had to deal with that kind of influx in the past. It is completely understandable that local residents don't want FCUM and this stadium anywhere near where they live.

None of the above however deals with the issue of the covenant on the land. You may not be impressed with what is currently there, a field with a couple of football pitches on it, but that doesn't change the fact that the land is currently meeting the terms of the covenant and the building of your stadium on it would not meet the terms. Basically a covenant is a promise to use the land for a specific purpose and to prevent it being used for other purposes. The land in question is set aside for public recreational use, your stadium, no matter how much you try and laughably push the "Moston Juniors" angle, will NOT meet this covenant.
I've had a look around the various forums that are debating this & we are getting a fair bit of blame for blocking it. Anybody expressing anything like an opposition opinion is either being treated with contempt or being accused of being a City fan,this mob seem to expect to be allowed to do what they want,funny that innit.
bluemanc said:
I've had a look around the various forums that are debating this & we are getting a fair bit of blame for blocking it. Anybody expressing anything like an opposition opinion is either being treated with contempt or being accused of being a City fan,this mob seem to expect to be allowed to do what they want,funny that innit.

Well many usernames have the word "blue" and even "Kompany" in them so obviously your fans are pushing your anti united agenda. The rest of your post is made up, shock horror.
AndyFcum said:
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
Volunteer traffic marshalls?
They have absolutely NO powers at all. I f I was to drive somewhere and a ''volunteer traffic marshall'' approached me and said ''please do not park here'' I would say ''am I breaking the law?'' and if the reply was ''no'', i would say ''my car is taxed and insured, i'm parking here thank you very much, now leave me alone''.

There are many side streets off St Mary's Road and the Miners Estate too. Then the side streets around the upper and mid Lightbowne Road and then the side streets off the upper Moston Lane. You would need many, many, many plastic powerless traffic marshalls to manage that. And how many minutes before the game starts do they abandon their position? Not workable at all.

Wow, nice guy, is that how you behave on our streets, or what City fans are like?! Good job you lot aren't moving to Moston!

Traffic Marshalls? Easily workable. FC volunteer marshalls would only be working with our own support on a matchday, (the ones in the red and white scarves?) most of whom would already have got the message from our Board and parked out of the way. No problem enforcing this as we all own the Club and want it to succeed. So what powers do the marshalls need? and we've been self-policing for 6 years.

There is to be a car park by the ground and the neccessity for providing further parking space is under investigation with the City Council, but the main entrance and focus for supporters/traffic is from Lightbowne Road. We're not gonna block up a main road and the Miners Estate, we already know the estate well and understand all of this.
I'm not sure how many fans you think there are at FC, but many don't come to matches by car anyway.

Hopefully traffic management shouldn't be a problem for us at all, unless you fancy coming along, lol. We already have a range of experienced volunteers such as match stewards, turnstyle operators, programme sellers, management staff etc., so we should be ok, assuming we get the go-ahead and there's a way to go yet.

Yes I am a nice guy, and do you know how I behave on the streets? Within the law. So if the law says i can park there leagally that is what I follow, not that of a plastic ''volunteer traffic marshall''
However, seeing as you are championing the fans of FCUM and their ''community awareness when parking, how about this from the Bury Times last year?

Bury Times

Residents are split over new parking plans

2:42pm Thursday 28th October 2010

RESIDENTS living near Bury FC’s Gigg Lane ground are divided over proposals to ease parking chaos on match days.

Bury Council chiefs are considering resident parking permits to stop football fans parking outside homes in and around Gigg Lane.

The proposals come after years of dispute between neighbours and Bury FC fans over whether they should be allowed to park in nearby streets, including Brierley Street, Horne Street, Devon Street and Grafton Street.

Ann and Chris Holland, of Brierley Street, disagree with the plans.

Mrs Holland, aged 59, said: “We already pay our rates like everyone else.

“Why should we pay to park outside our own homes?

“If the council introduces parking permits it will just have a knock-on effect because they’ll just park in other streets.

“The football club should be looking at where fans park and shouldn’t be charging them over the odds. When we have gone past on match days the car park has been nearly empty.

“Who is going to pay £3 for 90 minutes when they can park in our streets for free?”

Mum Cheryl Tweedale, aged 31, who has lived in Gigg Lane for eight years, said: “If you have children and you drive to the shops, when you get back you have to walk for miles with your bags because they park outside your house.

“I agree with the permits — something should have been done years ago.”

Beverley Briggs, aged 54, also of Gigg Lane, said: “Whether a permit would work I don’t know, but I would pay it.

“If it’s about £20 a year, then it’s worth it.

“The trouble is if you have visitors on a weekend you have to mess around with permits for them.”

A number of residents said parking problems increased in 2005 when FC United started playing at Gigg Lane.

One Gigg Lane homeowner even resorted to spray-painting a yellow line on the pavement outside his house as a deterrent.

Chris Reed said: “On Sunday, someone parked right across my garage.

“I asked Bury Council if I could put something there about 18 months ago.

“Police will actually move them if they are blocking my garage.”

Last week football fans and officials handed a petition to council bosses with more than 4,500 names opposing the plans.''

So there you have it AndyFCUM - the problem INCREASED when FCUM moved to Gigg Lane. And for the record, I live 5-8 mins walk from the Ronald Johnson Playing Fields.
Oh, and you say ''not many of our fans travel by car''. I was at one of the propaganda drop in meetings last month, and your leader, Mr Walsh, estimated around 60% of FCUM fans travel by car to home games. So blows your estimation out of the window.
AndyFcum said:
bluemanc said:
I've had a look around the various forums that are debating this & we are getting a fair bit of blame for blocking it. Anybody expressing anything like an opposition opinion is either being treated with contempt or being accused of being a City fan,this mob seem to expect to be allowed to do what they want,funny that innit.

Well many usernames have the word "blue" and even "Kompany" in them so obviously your fans are pushing your anti united agenda. The rest of your post is made up, shock horror.
Mike Keegan from the M.E.N'S not a Blue & he's getting slaughtered for putting the locals view forward.....but of course you lot think he's only doing it to please City fans.
It's not made up,why would i do that ?????? when all people have to do is google it & see for themselves that the vast majority of people that are against what you are doing have nothing more in common than they don't want FCUOB on their doorstep.
You are correct that a lot of City fans are against you because we see you for what you are,you wouldn't exist if a rich owner had taken you over,from LYR to john davies not forgetting james gibson & the Edwards family you have had a few mega rich owners in your history you were due a bad one.

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