Helping the Homeless


Well-Known Member
24 Dec 2005
Following on from the uproar about putting spikes outside apartments .i was wondering how many of us actualy .talk / help/donate to the homeless & beggars or do we just ignore them & walk past & pretend it is not our problem
I say sorry no change. Some real aggressive beggars in NQ, been spat at and last month got told 'have a nice fucking day' because I didn't give him my own cash for him to get a can of beer.

OP we shouldn't feel guilty about walking past them. There's help out there.
I never give beggars any cash.
A large amount of beggars are alcoholic and or drug dependant.

Many aren't actually homeless, and you'll be surprised how much some beggars can earn during the week.

Giving them money does not solve the problem.

I do however give food to local food banks, and I have had chats to beggars and bought them coffee and pies.

Want to help?
Don't help them feed their drug habits.
I normally offer to buy them food or a hot drink and if they want to chat it can be quite enlightening to hear their stories. I counselled in substance misuse and it always reminds me that it could be any of us out there. Yes there is lots of help for them but a little empathy can go a long way.
Will always give them a smoke. And gave a lad a can of bow day of the parade. He was chuffed to fuck
I occasionally will but them a redbull and a bar of chocolate.
Gave one a Boots sandwich on Market St a couple of years ago.
Scruffy twat tutted and gave it to his mangy dog.
Fuck em

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