HH Sheikh Mansour planning to attend City v Barcelona match?

Can anyone confirm that he is no longer a Sheikh and now has "Sultan" in his name instead?

Mansour bin Sultan instead of Sheikh Mansour or something, I'm sure I've read it but my mate says in making it up!
gordondaviesmoustache said:
KippaxCitizen said:
Can anyone confirm that he is no longer a Sheikh and now has "Sultan" in his name instead?

Mansour bin Sultan instead of Sheikh Mansour or something, I'm sure I've read it but my mate says in making it up!
I believe that is his currant name.

there you go raisin expectations again
gordondaviesmoustache said:
KippaxCitizen said:
Can anyone confirm that he is no longer a Sheikh and now has "Sultan" in his name instead?

Mansour bin Sultan instead of Sheikh Mansour or something, I'm sure I've read it but my mate says in making it up!
I believe that is his currant name.

His wife is indeed a Sultana.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
KippaxCitizen said:
Can anyone confirm that he is no longer a Sheikh and now has "Sultan" in his name instead?

Mansour bin Sultan instead of Sheikh Mansour or something, I'm sure I've read it but my mate says in making it up!
I believe that is his currant name.

What is the raisin for your belief?

(Too slow with my reply.)
Chris in London said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
KippaxCitizen said:
Can anyone confirm that he is no longer a Sheikh and now has "Sultan" in his name instead?

Mansour bin Sultan instead of Sheikh Mansour or something, I'm sure I've read it but my mate says in making it up!
I believe that is his currant name.

His wife is indeed a Sultana.
I wonder what their first date was like.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
KippaxCitizen said:
Can anyone confirm that he is no longer a Sheikh and now has "Sultan" in his name instead?

Mansour bin Sultan instead of Sheikh Mansour or something, I'm sure I've read it but my mate says in making it up!
I believe that is his currant name.
Yeah well you know flapjack shit!
Blue Mist said:
andyhinch said:
jrb said:
Just got a text.

Mansour tucking into a Halal Jamie Oliver Peppered Steak Pie.
It's nice that someone can afford them.

No I was next to him in the queue, he kicked off when he found out the price, said he could get sheeps eyes for half the price, robbing bastards, and that was his exact quote.

Never mind that bollox...

Did he ask for a barm or a muffin?

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