Hiddink Vs Mourinho

blueinbolton77 said:
Robbo. said:
When Hughes GOES!.....(Garry If you are reading YES we want him out), who do you want in?
Strong rumours with Hiddink, I would rather have Jose myself but what about you lot?

Not sure what you mean by "we", I assume you mean you and others. Do I want him out? Well I'm one of his biggest defenders on this forum, despite the fact we have sooo many football masterminds on here. But if Mark Hughes and the team can't make it to the semi finals and beat chelsea at home, then maybe my faith will change and I'd go with the hope of Jose or similar.

I hope not of course and all will be well! But the total lack of passion and conviction from 50% of the team yesterday and in previous matches leads to me say that the players are doing more to get Mark Hughes sacked than the fans are doing on here.

good post, but surly its the players that Mark brought in and if they can not respect our manager then surly the manager goes.
Robbo. said:
neoblue said:
Is any of this actually going to happen or are we working ourselves into a frenzy over fuck all. eg. KAKA, TERRY, ETO and any more I can't be bothered to recall?

all of which where true , we where close to getting...so if city where as serious as getting Jose or Hiddink like Kaka, Terry and Eto'o i wouold be happy

100% with you but as someone else said it all seems too good to be true, is it just a wish list or do we think the board are actively in the hunt for either of these guys. BTW I do hope so.
Can’t see Mourinho coming to City.
Whenever he comes in town to Manchester, his destination is United not City, sorry to say my view straight away.
Maybe his CV is still being at United, The recent quote saying his football is England football is a tribute to Fergie.
In my view, he has his eyes on Fergie seat.
Mr Cook please can you do everything in your power to make sure Hughes is out by christmas, this would give us time to find a manager and let him get his own players in, in january. Actually no sack it we dont need new players in january just a manager who can motivate potenially world class players!
And see out winning postions at home against Burnley, Fulham and Hull!

Lets face it Santa cruz costs more than the whole burnley team put together and we cant even beat them!

Actually fuck a world class manager, get my Grandad in he may have alzheimers, but even he knows that when somebody is ripping a left back apart (SWP against jordan) dont swap him for a left footer when were trying to see out a game!

However, whoever is in charge i will still be there giving support to manchester city but if we lose to arsenal and chelsea, there will be a very large banner at the bolton game, and it dosent take a genius to work out what it will say on it.
If we want someone with more of a clue than hughes then, the tramp that lives down the end of my street and talks about the time he raided iraq, my pet dog, the leaf i saw rolling down the road last week, the tree in my garden, gordon brown, george dubya bush, gary cook, me mate dave, ashley (im dumb as fuck) cole.

Anyone give it me because i honestly think i could at least keep the players awake during the team talk he is so fucking boring, i cant even watch his interviews. His team talk must be, " right lads run up and down and put the round thing in the net, if they attack us back then shit ya pants hoof the ball back to them, then pick it out of the net and kick off again, oh and whatever ya do, DONT FUCKING WIN!!!"

In all truth though jose or guus either would be lovely jubbly
Robbo. said:
blueinbolton77 said:
Not sure what you mean by "we", I assume you mean you and others. Do I want him out? Well I'm one of his biggest defenders on this forum, despite the fact we have sooo many football masterminds on here. But if Mark Hughes and the team can't make it to the semi finals and beat chelsea at home, then maybe my faith will change and I'd go with the hope of Jose or similar.

I hope not of course and all will be well! But the total lack of passion and conviction from 50% of the team yesterday and in previous matches leads to me say that the players are doing more to get Mark Hughes sacked than the fans are doing on here.

good post, but surly its the players that Mark brought in and if they can not respect our manager then surly the manager goes.

I agree to an extent. But the players are grown men and paid very well and are good buys. It's not a school boy team. If they can't find passion enough to hold on against Hull City or put in some decent passes I really can't see any hope even with a change of Manager. Once a player walks onto the pitch, I expect him to do his job, not be looking to the sideline for inspiration from the Manager when things get desperate.

There are people who come on this board with bloody hard day jobs for crap pay and put in a decent 8 or more hours each day and then lay out of lot of cash for games. I'm only asking a few of these millionaires to show complete commitment for 90 minutes, once a week, without them getting off lightly by allowing us to blame the manager.

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