High Blood Pressure

If I was you I'd ask my GP if I was right to ignore the cardiologist.
You've already had a heart attack and now a stent fitted so there is something maybe underlying that caused this serious condition.

Cholestral isn't just as simple saying "it's 4.7 so all is well" for example what was your triglycerides reading ?
  1. Triglycerides(another type of fat related to cholesterol):
    • Desirable: Less than 149 mg/dL; ideal is under 100 mg/dL.
    • High: 200 mg/dL or higher; 500 mg/dL is considered very high.
Low-density lipoprotein could've also been high.

Maybe your cardiologist saw a trend that he's seen a thousand times before so advocated statins for long term health, as you get older everything deteriorates and maybe he's thinking of you in the long term.
Medicine isn't DIY or Dr Google. There is so much more to it and cardiologists are sometimes not that good at explaining why they do something, but remember these people see a shit load of patients every week with mostly similar problems so there advice shouldn't just be ignored.
Speak with your GP about it.
The cardio in hospital didn't have a clue bout me. I only spoke to him once when he came into the ward on his rounds. When I asked him bout my cholesterol he had to go and check.
He looked fresh out of Uni and had nothing worthwhile to say.
As for GP's I don't even have one.
After never needed to see one for 30 yrs, I had to get in touch after my heart attack. I was then informed I was out of the area and they couldn't keep me on their books anymore. Happy to keep me on and take the payments when I didn't need them.
So I've never had a check up or seen a GP since getting out of hospital nearly 3yrs ago..!
That's the state of our NHS.
Like I said, I'm fine and I do my own checks and have changed my lifestyle, the heart attack was a warning to do so.
I’ve read all the messages and the OP has given great advice.
Back in August I flew on holiday to Tenerife. It was a stressful day getting to the airport at 3am and all the walking that’s involved. On arrival I had just cleared customs and felt a crushing pain in my chest and intense pain in my left arm. I thought it was indigestion at first and the pain subsided after 20 mins.
At the resort I had two more instances of the chest pains and my wife called for a Dr at the hotel.
Within minutes an ambulance whisked me to the local hospital where I had an ecg. It was determined I had a blocked artery. I was transferred to the cardiac hospital in Santa Cruz where they tried to fit a stent but were unable to because my artery was blocked.
My blood pressure was normal before the holiday but I was put on cholesterol tablets (20mg) to keep it under 4 LDL and hgl combined.

I couldn’t fly back home straight away because the airline wouldn’t allow me to fly back so soon after. My wife was in contact with the holiday Insurance firm during all this and we had to hire an apartment near the hospital for a while until they flew a cardiac nurse over to repatriate me home.
What an experience. I’m on 6 various tablets a day now and feel ok. My blood pressure is normal as is my cholesterol. I’m trying to do more exercise and lose a lot of weight.
Please check both your blood pressure and cholesterol regularly. Also if you’re going abroad ensure you get a good travel insurance and also the free European health card. It was invaluable.
I’m going for another ecg in May but as I’m stable they might leave me on the meds.
Up the blues

Atenolol 25mg, been taking for 35 years for arrhythmia


Ramapril 7.5mg

Amlodipine 10mg
I’m on those two but 10mg of each. Seems to have done the job.

Good that you’ve put this up and I hope people take your advice about the monitor. Twenty quid might just save you from a heart attack or worse.
I’ve read all the messages and the OP has given great advice.
Back in August I flew on holiday to Tenerife. It was a stressful day getting to the airport at 3am and all the walking that’s involved. On arrival I had just cleared customs and felt a crushing pain in my chest and intense pain in my left arm. I thought it was indigestion at first and the pain subsided after 20 mins.
At the resort I had two more instances of the chest pains and my wife called for a Dr at the hotel.
Within minutes an ambulance whisked me to the local hospital where I had an ecg. It was determined I had a blocked artery. I was transferred to the cardiac hospital in Santa Cruz where they tried to fit a stent but were unable to because my artery was blocked.
My blood pressure was normal before the holiday but I was put on cholesterol tablets (20mg) to keep it under 4 LDL and hgl combined.

I couldn’t fly back home straight away because the airline wouldn’t allow me to fly back so soon after. My wife was in contact with the holiday Insurance firm during all this and we had to hire an apartment near the hospital for a while until they flew a cardiac nurse over to repatriate me home.
What an experience. I’m on 6 various tablets a day now and feel ok. My blood pressure is normal as is my cholesterol. I’m trying to do more exercise and lose a lot of weight.
Please check both your blood pressure and cholesterol regularly. Also if you’re going abroad ensure you get a good travel insurance and also the free European health card. It was invaluable.
I’m going for another ecg in May but as I’m stable they might leave me on the meds.
Up the blues
Great advice, hope everything is well in the future.
I've been on medication for over 10 years and it was not really coming down.
I was asked to do a 7-day am/pm reading and add notes if it meant it might be 'high' for a reason.

Don't think they were expecting;
'Derby day'.
Really nervous!
Controversial goal!
I’ve read all the messages and the OP has given great advice.
Back in August I flew on holiday to Tenerife. It was a stressful day getting to the airport at 3am and all the walking that’s involved. On arrival I had just cleared customs and felt a crushing pain in my chest and intense pain in my left arm. I thought it was indigestion at first and the pain subsided after 20 mins.
At the resort I had two more instances of the chest pains and my wife called for a Dr at the hotel.
Within minutes an ambulance whisked me to the local hospital where I had an ecg. It was determined I had a blocked artery. I was transferred to the cardiac hospital in Santa Cruz where they tried to fit a stent but were unable to because my artery was blocked.
My blood pressure was normal before the holiday but I was put on cholesterol tablets (20mg) to keep it under 4 LDL and hgl combined.

I couldn’t fly back home straight away because the airline wouldn’t allow me to fly back so soon after. My wife was in contact with the holiday Insurance firm during all this and we had to hire an apartment near the hospital for a while until they flew a cardiac nurse over to repatriate me home.
What an experience. I’m on 6 various tablets a day now and feel ok. My blood pressure is normal as is my cholesterol. I’m trying to do more exercise and lose a lot of weight.
Please check both your blood pressure and cholesterol regularly. Also if you’re going abroad ensure you get a good travel insurance and also the free European health card. It was invaluable.
I’m going for another ecg in May but as I’m stable they might leave me on the meds.
Up the blues
Bloody hell mate. That’s some trip. Glad you’re well now.

Is the health card still a thing now we’re out of the EU?
The figures posted by the OP are frightening - VERY lucky to still be here.

As with most medical conditions, prevention is better than the cure. Obviously some conditions are genetic, but our circulatory system (and the rest of our body) needs decent fuel and regular maintenance to keep it in good working order.

Healthy eating and regular exercise to promote overall health (good gut health is really important) is much better than having to pop pills for the rest of our lives. Regular exercise doesn't have to involve getting togged up in lycra and thrashing yourself to with in an inch of your life in the gym. Just a 10 minute brisk walk 3 times a day will make a difference, especially for those who lead an otherwise sedentary lifestyle.
The figures posted by the OP are frightening - VERY lucky to still be here.

As with most medical conditions, prevention is better than the cure. Obviously some conditions are genetic, but our circulatory system (and the rest of our body) needs decent fuel and regular maintenance to keep it in good working order.

Healthy eating and regular exercise to promote overall health (good gut health is really important) is much better than having to pop pills for the rest of our lives. Regular exercise doesn't have to involve getting togged up in lycra and thrashing yourself to with in an inch of your life in the gym. Just a 10 minute brisk walk 3 times a day will make a difference, especially for those who lead an otherwise sedentary lifestyle.
Good advice, weirdly after my high reading’s I had an ECG at the Doctors which was downloaded to an external resource, the nurse was on speaker to a medical heart specialist, she came back with these words which I will never forget:

“His heart is beating within the normal parameters”

I play golf about 3 times a week when the weather permits so walk about 12 miles but this winter it’s been so bad I’ve hardly played, wonder if that was a contributing factor.

I’m now walking a lot more just in my daily routine and was in Spain a couple of weeks ago, the apartment we stayed in was at the top of a hill in Miraflores, my mate said just get a taxi but along with Mrs H we walked everywhere, everyday, really gave me confidence that my heart is in good shape.
My sister was in Ramapril but gave her a horrible cough, now on Candarstaten which has finally sorted her BP out, she’s 7 stone, 5 feet tall, 60, fit as a butcher’s dog and eats incredibly healthy. Maybe mention this drug to your GP.

I was originally put on Ramapril but likewise, that fucking cough.

Ended up on Losartan Potassium 50mg for years but last year dose was upped to 100mg due to a stage 4 hypertension episode.

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