you carry on making up scenarios in your head to justify the decimation of 100's of thousands of civilians in the name of war. Fucking pathetic.
Truman decided to drop the bomb on civilian targets because he believed that if he dropped the bomb, say in the ocean to destroy Japanese naval vessels - that such action might be viewed by Japanese leadership as confirmation that the US would never deploy atomic weaponry against civilians and thus the war would carry on.
For me - personally - I don't follow this logic. Worst case, the USA drops the bomb on some naval vessels or perhaps a military installation - and the Japanese don't surrender. And we do this once and twice more and a third time.
If still, Japan refuses to surrender and the only remaining options are to either invade Japan or to drop the bomb on civilian targets - maybe the later choice would lead to less death.
I suppose that a big issue in Truman's decision was the availability of bombs. It took a huge amount of money and resources to develop the A-Bomb - I'm fairly certain that we did not have a stock of bombs on hand. So it's very possible that Truman - looking at a limited bomb inventory - decided to simply bomb civilian targets - that course of action being the most likely to bring a swift conclusion to the war.
That Truman ultimately decided to drop 2 atomic bombs on Japanese cities is horrific. Were I president, I'd have certainly dropped the first bomb on a military target - and would have threatened escalation to see how that played out.
At the same time, the Japanese opposition were unfathomable to the US - suicide Japanese airplane dives into American naval vessels - perhaps Truman thought that the only way to convince the Emperor to surrender was to demonstrate the willingness to kill every single Japanese citizen.
I do not at all envy Truman's position - but at the same time, it must have been abundantly clear that should nuclear weapons not be deployed, the US would have had to invade Japan - and that surrender, would likely never occur - every single Japanese military figure might have had to have been killed - one by one - at huge cost of American lives and likely of Japanese civilian collateral damage.