Hit by a GLASS BOTTLE last night!

Think Fergie will ban Sky if they submit video footage of fans breaking the rules, just like when he banned them when they submited footage of Ferdinand breaking the rules?
vonksbignose said:
My mate got a glass bottle to the head too!

Fortunately, it had hit the bloke behind's chest first, so was just a sort of ricochet, otherwise we may have been joining ya down the hospital!

You're right too, that it was when they started scoring that they got all lairy! Fucking horrible, horrible bunch of *****! I hope the place burns! With them in it!

well said
nabilhussain said:
the amount of city fans that flapped it yesterday..................

fuck off you ignorant ****! scum like you shouldn't be allowed to breed (goes for most rags).

Go support Walsall ya cretin!! They are ur local team!!
Thanks for your advice lads, I have reported the incident to GMP so will have to see what happens?
God my head hurts lol
Can't get through to to Danny Wilson at the club, anyone got a number for him please?

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