Holidays in Britain?

anymore than 2sheiks said:
Pigeonho said:
Can't beat a good old family holiday in Blighty.
Come off it Pidge, remember last summer? We had about 6 or 7 days of nice weather, the rest of the time it was either raining or just cloudy and grey.
Depends what you want mate. I've not taken the kids abroad yet, but the ex has and she said they got bored within days. Bored because they couldn't go out to places like we used to down in Cornwall.
In 2005 we went to Cornwall for a week and the entire holiday it was never below 27 degrees, always bright blue skies too. Add to that we could just get in the car and go wherever we pleased...
Been when its shit weather too but you just make the most of it. The thought of the kids bored, tired, hot and moaning because of the heat makes me want to go to Bridgend and hurl myself off a bridge.
Depends on what sort of a family you are and what sort of a group are going and what you like doing.
Some just like getting up with a hangover, sitting on a beach or round a pool all week having the odd beer and then getting a feed before drinking all night, while the kids splash about in the pool, others like to see some of the scenery round where they are, or going to the local markets, some like seeing the local culture, history and architecture, some like taking their kids to waterparks, zoo's, country parks etc and spending a lot of time with their children, and some like the Butlins type holiday where there are kids clubs to keep the children occupied.
The thought of spending a week sitting round a pool just does not appeal to me, and unless I manage to kidnap my great niece for a week, or go on holidays with my mates and their children (some with mothers / babysitters attached, some without), then i prefer a week where there is plenty to do other than soak up the rays.
Pigeonho said:
anymore than 2sheiks said:
Pigeonho said:
Can't beat a good old family holiday in Blighty.
Come off it Pidge, remember last summer? We had about 6 or 7 days of nice weather, the rest of the time it was either raining or just cloudy and grey.
Depends what you want mate. I've not taken the kids abroad yet, but the ex has and she said they got bored within days. Bored because they couldn't go out to places like we used to down in Cornwall.
In 2005 we went to Cornwall for a week and the entire holiday it was never below 27 degrees, always bright blue skies too. Add to that we could just get in the car and go wherever we pleased...
Been when its shit weather too but you just make the most of it. The thought of the kids bored, tired, hot and moaning because of the heat makes me want to go to Bridgend and hurl myself off a bridge.
Kids will always find something to moan about though Pidge. Just remind them that "the holiday cost a lot of money so just be grateful and belt up before you get a good hiding".
Why anyone would pay money to holiday in England is beyond me! Especially with rising fuel prices, rising food costs and the awful weather.

I understand that some families may not be able to afford it but personally I would much rather save a little bit longer and go abroad and have guarenteed sunshine.
mcfcloz said:
Why anyone would pay money to holiday in England is beyond me! Especially with rising fuel prices, rising food costs and the awful weather.

I understand that some families may not be able to afford it but personally I would much rather save a little bit longer and go abroad and have guarenteed sunshine.
It costs more to holiday here, it is just choice at the end of the day. I like the drive down and all the other shit that holidaying here entails.
mcfcloz said:
Why anyone would pay money to holiday in England is beyond me! Especially with rising fuel prices, rising food costs and the awful weather.

My response would be, "because we live in a beautiful country".<br /><br />-- Mon Mar 19, 2012 3:37 pm --<br /><br />
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Your starfish would be like a broken catflap.

Eh? Are you from somewhere like Rochdale or Oldham?
mcfcloz said:
Why anyone would pay money to holiday in England is beyond me! Especially with rising fuel prices, rising food costs and the awful weather. I understand that some families may not be able to afford it but personally I would much rather save a little bit longer and go abroad and have guarenteed sunshine.

Fucks me off when people say this. We dont have awful weather, we have amazing weather for where we are on the earth. Nice warm summers and mild winters. The way people go on you would thing were positioned next to the fucking Equator!!!
The Pink Panther said:
We were out with some friends last night and they said how much they'd like to visit Cornwall for a holiday. They've seen these fishing programmes on telly and the Doc Martin series and think it's all like that, picture postcard villages where the sun's always shining.
I told them not to bother as it's shit
You get to a village like the Doc Martin one. First thing is it's residents only parking, so you have to park what seems like miles away and you get charged a tenner for the privilege. This is of course if it's not raining when you're stuck in the caravan that's cost a small fortune for the week

and then the fact that its full of Cornish people.
LittleStan said:
The Pink Panther said:
We were out with some friends last night and they said how much they'd like to visit Cornwall for a holiday. They've seen these fishing programmes on telly and the Doc Martin series and think it's all like that, picture postcard villages where the sun's always shining.
I told them not to bother as it's shit
You get to a village like the Doc Martin one. First thing is it's residents only parking, so you have to park what seems like miles away and you get charged a tenner for the privilege. This is of course if it's not raining when you're stuck in the caravan that's cost a small fortune for the week

and then the fact that its full of Cornish people.
Wearing rag tops.

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