Honest - As i see it

Brendan110_0 said:
Too many City fans think 18 months is too long to completely gut the club and rebuild it (and as we stand 3 points off top 4 it's just not good enough) We should be 40 points ahead of Chelsea now because we spent some money. Oh, and we should win 10 - 0 every game.
We should never EVER have a bad patch either.
You can't win on this forum, a good 60% of fans want Hughes out and Hiddink in (because he wins stuff everywhere, apart from average clubs like Real Betis where he was sacked for being SHIT!)

Awreet mate, I don't think we all think 18 months is too long, it's just we seem to be going backward of late.
People quote baconface as turning Manure around at the eleventh hour, sure but he did'nt get or need £200+ million to spend.
The money we have and the backing is special, once in a lifetime and might not come around again.
We should be seizing the moment, yet we are languishing and settling for mediocrity.
You say Hughes has gutted the club and is completely rebuilding it?
But with what, where are the big names, where are the coaches, who are they? Ex Blackburn, ex Wales?
I believe they are having a good try with the Sheiks money but seriously they are not looking up to it.
People on here are slating some good players, surely it's the system, so many can't go bad overnight?
One thing Hughes has achieved is dividing the loyal fans (ain't that the truth).
and it's not a rag thing, think Schmeichael, think Cole we can get over it

I really do hope we beat Arsenal in the cup and then get result against Chelsea I really do.
But if we don't, I don't believe we are being unfair in saying enough is enough.

My opinion, CTID
Chippy_boy said:
mancitymick said:
Look lately there seem to be loads of negatives going around on our current form. Thought i would post on how I see things and maybe some of the fellow Bluemooners will agree. I am 37 and never seen us do anything. I dont count promotions etc. I have been to one semi final (81) with my dad (RIP). We are currently on the verge of something very special at this club. Something none of us could forsee. We are sitting pretty in the league with a game in hand (Yes we have blew valuable points latley but no one has kicked on). We have a quarter final on Wednesday (cant wait) we have funds that every other team can only dream off. We have players I never thought I would see unless they are playing against us. Owners that are doing fantastic things for the fans off the pitch (great PR posters, fantastic shirts, concerts etc). A manager who yes at times has IMO got in wrong but must be given time. There are loads off great things going on...to many to mention. look blues no matter what your opnion is at the moment do you want to go back five years, ten years or twenty years plus. Think about it. The good times will come, it will take time. And trust me when they do you will see me with the biggess grin and the biggest bottle of champers outside the mecca

Let me paint another picture.

We've spent £200m+ (or is it £250m?), we haven't won in 7 games and we seem to be playing football that is no better than 24 months ago. Our owners have just lost BILLIONS on Middle Eastern stock markets and face piling billions more into Dubai to prop it up and prevent the whole Emirate from going bust.

They look at the masses amount of money they are spending every week just bankrolling the City project, combined with the WOEFUL underperformance, and they decide to pull the plug and sell up. City are effectively bankrupt and are wound up.

Now I am not expecting this to happen. I merely offer it as a counterbalance to the endless "it will take time" posts.

We need to get on with it! We need to start showing the owners that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that their investment makes sense.

Bloody hell!!!!! Go jump off a bridge and end the misery! lol You're supposed to be enjoying the ride upwards now, not floundering in dispair!
simon23 said:
well said that man

I do fear the impatience of a minority of fans backed by the rag media will however cost us again!!!!...when we we ever learn!!!!!!!!

This is the essence of the problem, Simon. Well said, The impatience of a minority of fans and the rag media.

Just read the report of Saturdays match in the Daily Torygraph. We are treated to two illustrations: one of Old Mother Bullard 'lecturing the troops' after scoring the penalty that Sunday's Observer credited to Joleon for fouling Vennegoor of Hesselink, and Shaun celebrating putting us ahead. Only trouble is that the picture is of Robinho chewing his shirt when one of the near misses went wide. Sloppy. lazy rag journos.
FFS. This is not "Another slagging off thread". If it is slag me off I started it. I only wanted to put my perspective on things. I am off that age give or take a couple off years who have seen nothing but depression. We are on the up. It will not be over night BUT WILL COME!!
the hooded buttock said:
i agree with you about the club mick but a forum is about debate. kind of. no?

Yes, but is it about venting your frustration as well? It's not the same thing really, and there are lots of people who come here purely to vent their frustration without saying much constructive at all.

If everyone come on purely to vent their frustrations the place would be nothing but a giant bitchfest with no real debate at all.
Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
simon23 said:
well said that man

I do fear the impatience of a minority of fans backed by the rag media will however cost us again!!!!...when we we ever learn!!!!!!!!

This is the essence of the problem, Simon. Well said, The impatience of a minority of fans and the rag media.

Just read the report of Saturdays match in the Daily Torygraph. We are treated to two illustrations: one of Old Mother Bullard 'lecturing the troops' after scoring the penalty that Sunday's Observer credited to Joleon for fouling Vennegoor of Hesselink, and Shaun celebrating putting us ahead. Only trouble is that the picture is of Robinho chewing his shirt when one of the near misses went wide. Sloppy. lazy rag journos.

it has cost roman abramovich and chelsea all most 800 million to be were they are now.

im afraid some have to realize we have a long way to go yet!
the hooded buttock said:
your prob right about impatience but having a debate or even a woman is what we're here for no?

agreed but some like to repeat themselves over and over and over and over again,moaning for moaning sake and debate is just non existent!

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