Hooliganism and Violence Maine Road 80's/early 90's

Anyone who is proud of themselves whilst going to a footy match scaring the shit out of decent fans with Women and children are absolute cunts.
You are either not of a certain age or never went to games in the 70's 80's or 90's, people like myself were sometimes scared the shit out of us by mobs of marauding home fans, if you didn't have your own mob you payed the price.
Whilst I do not now condone what used to happen, I was often glad to see the City lads and would join them for my own safety.
55 but what difference that makes fuck only knows.
Well i was only asking as if you were a lot younger you may not have understood that it was just how it was for a lot of lads at the time.

I was absolutely never involved, made no sense to me either, but i am also appreciative that it was more or less a youth movement during that period, like mods n rockers, teddy boys etc . A fair section of young lads just like to fight!!

No need to be so fuckin narky

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