Hooliganism and Violence Maine Road 80's/early 90's

You are either not of a certain age or never went to games in the 70's 80's or 90's, people like myself were sometimes scared the shit out of us by mobs of marauding home fans, if you didn't have your own mob you payed the price.
Whilst I do not now condone what used to happen, I was often glad to see the City lads and would join them for my own safety.
Born 1968 started going in the mid 70's and still going to this Day, fuckin does my head in all this shite about 'tough men' the sooner they rid this from football the better.
Born 1968 started going in the mid 70's and still going to this Day, fuckin does my head in all this shite about 'tough men' the sooner they rid this from football the better.
I think we will all be glad when football violence has gone.
This thread is to discuss what happened and I have not seen any comment which wants it bringing back, we are all full of stories of things that happened and most are blown out of proportion.

Maybe you should avoid this thread mate, the clue is in the title,
The truth is that back in the day going to some away matches was fucking dangerous. You had a good chance of being hit or worse. Scouseland was notorious for the Stanley knife thing.

So some people attached themselves to gangs for protection. The modern equivalent is kids carrying knives for 'defence'.

That's how it was. I used to fly under the radar with my mate(s) and we got away with it. Whether we were lucky or just non-confrontational I don't know. What I do know is going to somewhere like Anfield was seriously scary. No one in their right mind wants those days back.
You are either not of a certain age or never went to games in the 70's 80's or 90's, people like myself were sometimes scared the shit out of us by mobs of marauding home fans, if you didn't have your own mob you payed the price.
Whilst I do not now condone what used to happen, I was often glad to see the City lads and would join them for my own safety.
You’re entitled to your own view of course, but I went home and away in the 70’s with my dad and to a fair few aways in the 80’s with my mates and never, not once, not ever, felt frightened, surrounded, or in need of a punch up. Not once.
You’re entitled to your own view of course, but I went home and away in the 70’s with my dad and to a fair few aways in the 80’s with my mates and never, not once, not ever, felt frightened, surrounded, or in need of a punch up. Not once.
I went to loads of away games with City from the 80's.
Nearly always went in a car, so normally 5 of us.
This meant we usually missed the flashpoints at stations and the coach parks, where most away fans arrived at.
But, at certain grounds such as Stoke, Everton, Leeds, you had to have your wits with you.
Even at smaller grounds, it could "kick off".
Perhaps, you were a lucky lad not to see or get caught up in trouble...
You’re entitled to your own view of course, but I went home and away in the 70’s with my dad and to a fair few aways in the 80’s with my mates and never, not once, not ever, felt frightened, surrounded, or in need of a punch up. Not once.
Congratulations, I never missed an Home or Away game in the 70's 80's or 90's other than European away games, and traveled by train, it was virtually impossible not to get into trouble one way or another, the Home fans would wait for you at the Train Station and try and attack you on the way back, hence the development of Football Escorts by the Police.
I would hazard a guess that your experience is in the very small minority on here.
I think we will all be glad when football violence has gone.
This thread is to discuss what happened and I have not seen any comment which wants it bringing back, we are all full of stories of things that happened and most are blown out of proportion.

Maybe you should avoid this thread mate, the clue is in the title,
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I went to Leicester away in 1976. On my tod as I was living darn south. I turned away from the ticket office (newly acquired ticket in hand) to find myself in no man's land between two groups (City and Leicester) who were chucking house bricks at one another.

I was lucky to slide away unseen, but this is an example of how easy it was to find trouble without looking for it. I could easily have found myself heading a brick.

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