Hooliganism and Violence Maine Road 80's/early 90's

'The story from United' - even then they were used to spinning things. I remember a whole thread on another forum which I think no longer exists which made Jackanory look amateur. By the end the rags were spinning all sorts of tales about how numbers were unfair (like it ever bothered them), how it wasn't their firm but shirters, blah blah blah.
The forum was TPOM. I had a look for it a month or so back, but the link doesn’t work now.
Remember a massive rumble with Chelsea outside the Brunswick near Piccadilly in 85, was very early in the season City had just come up from Div 2,they made the game an 11am KO on a Saturday morning,2 absolutely huge crews goin toe to toe after the game,how 2 such big crews bypassed the police was baffling looking back especially when the game was switched to such an early start to try & avoid th
Got locked in there with the Chelsea boys one year. I was about 14.
An odd story which has puzzled me looking back as it could be football related or not. It was mid to late nineties and a Sunday night, in the days the pubs opened at 7 and closed at 10:30. I used to get out as early as I could and drank in Didsbury. My usual was a few in Squires then over to Times Square where they had a band on.

I get in Squires at about 7:20 and instead of being dead as norma at that time l it is pretty busy with a lot of lads. There is some sort of heated discussion going on with a big bloke central to it who looks a bit familiar. The big bloke goes to the bar then after a minute or two grabs another bloke and a fight erupts. Bottles going the lot and a lad on crutches whacks the big bloke so hard on the head with a crutch it splinters. Amazingly he stays on his feet, but decides to scarper, runs past me grabbing a woman's hand as he leaves and they exit the pub bottles following ( Which I had to duck to avoid) It was only after he'd gone I clicked it was Tony O'Neill ( Bucket head) the notorious rag hooligan. To this day I've no idea what it was about but it looked like a meet for a chat that turned violent.
An odd story which has puzzled me looking back as it could be football related or not. It was mid to late nineties and a Sunday night, in the days the pubs opened at 7 and closed at 10:30. I used to get out as early as I could and drank in Didsbury. My usual was a few in Squires then over to Times Square where they had a band on.

I get in Squires at about 7:20 and instead of being dead as norma at that time l it is pretty busy with a lot of lads. There is some sort of heated discussion going on with a big bloke central to it who looks a bit familiar. The big bloke goes to the bar then after a minute or two grabs another bloke and a fight erupts. Bottles going the lot and a lad on crutches whacks the big bloke so hard on the head with a crutch it splinters. Amazingly he stays on his feet, but decides to scarper, runs past me grabbing a woman's hand as he leaves and they exit the pub bottles following ( Which I had to duck to avoid) It was only after he'd gone I clicked it was Tony O'Neill ( Bucket head) the notorious rag hooligan. To this day I've no idea what it was about but it looked like a meet for a chat that turned violent.

He didn't have any better luck when he rolled up at a pub in Chorlton a few years back either!

'The story from United' - even then they were used to spinning things. I remember a whole thread on another forum which I think no longer exists which made Jackanory look amateur. By the end the rags were spinning all sorts of tales about how numbers were unfair (like it ever bothered them), how it wasn't their firm but shirters, blah blah blah.
I wasn’t there and didn’t get involved in that kind of thing but know a few who did (on both sides). However, some of those stories regarding the Science Park “off” made for amusing reading. There was also a classic line from a United fan on In The Know - “I must admit that City looked like Braveheart coming across the road”!

Going back to that game, I had a different kind of encounter after the match that day and it turned out to be quite a disturbing one. I got talking to a female City fan from Burnley on Wilmslow Road who I used to randomly bump into every now and then at away games back then. While we were chatting, some short-arsed kid turned up who looked no more than 19 or 20 and although he was only about 6 stone wet through he had all the hooligan gear on. Turned out he was from Burnley too and he and this girl knew each other. He was telling us that he had been at the Slovakia v England game recently where it had booted off inside the ground and to be honest he came across as a bit of a bellend, and I’m guessing even those in hooligan circles would view him that way too, but I thought no more of it afterwards. Anyway, and I’m guessing some who are reading this will know exactly where this is going, several weeks later at a Burnley v Forest game a Forest fan was killed in Burnley town centre by someone who attacked him from behind with a glass IIRC. Lo and behold, the perpetrator was that little scrote of a City fan who I’d bumped into a few weeks earlier.
I wasn’t there and didn’t get involved in that kind of thing but know a few who did (on both sides). However, some of those stories regarding the Science Park “off” made for amusing reading. There was also a classic line from a United fan on In The Know - “I must admit that City looked like Braveheart coming across the road”!

Going back to that game, I had a different kind of encounter after the match that day and it turned out to be quite a disturbing one. I got talking to a female City fan from Burnley on Wilmslow Road who I used to randomly bump into every now and then at away games back then. While we were chatting, some short-arsed kid turned up who looked no more than 19 or 20 and although he was only about 6 stone wet through he had all the hooligan gear on. Turned out he was from Burnley too and he and this girl knew each other. He was telling us that he had been at the Slovakia v England game recently where it had booted off inside the ground and to be honest he came across as a bit of a bellend, and I’m guessing even those in hooligan circles would view him that way too, but I thought no more of it afterwards. Anyway, and I’m guessing some who are reading this will know exactly where this is going, several weeks later at a Burnley v Forest game a Forest fan was killed in Burnley town centre by someone who attacked him from behind with a glass IIRC. Lo and behold, the perpetrator was that little scrote of a City fan who I’d bumped into a few weeks earlier.
"Suicity". He wasn't actually from Burnley, he was from Rossendale, but that all happened.
Fast forward to the new Covid hooliganism reality.

Masks on all combatants, a series of timed breaks to wash hands and sanitise. Fights not to exceed the rule of six. No alcohol to fuel the fire, although a cafe latte and sticky bun allowed. Public transport fights, only if you absolutely have to. No after scrap party to talk about how all the guys you battered were ten feet tall and wielding axes. Rematches only allowed if your opponents live within five miles.
Not City related, but when I was a student in Sheffield, a few mates came over for the weekend. On the Saturday we started the night early and went in the Beehive on West Street at about 6pm. Went straight to the bar and bought drinks before realizing something wasn't right. At either end of the pub there were two sizeable gangs of dodgy handy looking lads. Turns out it must have been Blades and Wednesdays firms

We said sup up quick and lets get out of here. But before we could it erupted. Charging at each other with glasses, chairs, bottles flying. A couple of my mates jumped straight over the bar to get out of the way!

Almost straight away, 3 or 4 police vans pulled up and coppers charged in. Landlord must have rung them as he sensed it was about to go off. Coppers were dragging lads out and chucking them in the vans then came to drag us out.. but luckily the landlord shouted "No.. they're ok"

Fuckin stood there asking each other WTF just happened trembling like a leaf lol

I knew after the Didsbury pub incident why he's nicknamed bucket head. That crutch on top of the head would have killed some people that fucker was still standing.

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