horrible juve fans

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Well-Known Member
12 Jan 2010
in the away end at hillsborough clapping benarbia
Team supported
Manchester City
travelled to the game last night and stopped at the mcdonald's near stadium for lad's tea and a quick whizz. there were about a dozen or so juve fans sat on the main table in the middle of the room. whilst me and the lad waited for the missus to finish having a pee, i said to the lad, "let's try to talk to this lot."

went over and let on and they all looked a bit shocked but a few acknowledged us. i asked whether del piero would be playing and they didn't quite understand but a couple were excited that i'd mentioned him. one said del piero would score both in a 2-0 win. i smiled and said city would win.

at this point one of the others said "balotelli, no". i looked over to him and he again said "balotelli, no". then one next to him said balotelli whilst doing the cut-throat signal with his thumb. i started to walk away and said cheers to the one's who'd been alright. then another stood up, did the cut-throat gesture and started shouting "balotelli, black, balotelli, black."

i didn't want to create a scene because i was there with the missus and my 9 year old lad. however, i lost any respect i had for juventus' fans. i know it's generalising them all as racist bastards, but they didn't have their ground closed for 2 or 3 dickheads. this has got to be dealt with if they start it in turin. hopefully mario will be playing and will ram their taunts down their throats.

racism really is ugly when you see it at first hand.
Forza Torino!

Its taken as an acceptable part of their culture though, football wise or other as far as I can tell. Doesn't make it right by any means at all. To be honest though, especially with my lad there, I wouldn't have spoken to them as they could have been a right load of nutters. You hear about these Italians cutting arse cheeks of opposition fans, and I think Juve and Roma especially are reknown for this vile act. Racism in Italy though is rife.
Obviously I don't speak Italian but I think they very briefly had a Balotelli chant going but it died out quickly.
I went to the game last night with 2 of my best mates who are Italian but are born and bred in Manchester and lifelong City fans, they translated the song Juve fans were singing was :-
"Balottelli can't be Italian cos he's black"
They said the rivalry is pure hatred of Inter Milan the most and obviously Balottelli the easy target - quite hypocritical considering Sissoko plays for them !
citykev28 said:
DortmundDummy said:
Can any of you fancy dans with the I.T. skills post that picture on the Juventos Forum ? AFTER we play at their place.

i thought there was supposed to be a simlar flag making an appearance last night?

Looking at their banners, with place names from anywhere but Turin, it wouldn't have made much of an impact on them.

There were quite a few in the club shop, buying City stuff, who were pleasant.
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