How can the manager lift morale?

Stop bringing everyone back when we concede a corner for a start, it's not as though this tactic is effective, we still manage to concede coz half of em aren't doing what they are supposed to be doing! Attack is the best form of defence, and I think Given will benefit from a less crowded penalty area (would still bring Joe Hart back to the club for next season
Also we the fans have to get behind the lads more than we are doing, fair play to Stoke in that respect, they do support their team well.
By chanting 'come on city' several times before a match - it's Tevez's favourite!
Send the squad round to visit Mr Teese with various array of home mede weapons?
Dunno but it's his job so he's got to do it. The rag defeat took the stuffing out of us and since then we've just had crap games with crap atmospheres. Hopefully Sunday will be electric and the team can respond and get themselves back on track
Didsbury Dave said:
It is my belief that morale is very low in the City camp at the moment. The change of manager, the stories of Mancini being a fill-in, losing the cup semi, some unglamourous ties, a string of dull performances, the inexplicable exclusion of quality players and also the constant system changes.

I may be wrong but I don't believe so. I think the players look confused and unhappy on the park. You can read their body language when passes go astray or there are no options to hit. I think the subs look frustrated on the bench. I think the individual performances are often substandard.

So what do we do about this? Wat should Mancini do? Any suggestions to get us playing like a team?

The players look like their being suppressed under Mancini into a 'safe game', rather than letting them do their thing & attacking the opposition & I think this is why their heads are low at the moment, because their playing an unfamiliar game! But I only know as much as anyone else! Things will change at the end of the season when we've got a top class manager in the mould of Jose...Mancini is tactically inept in the EPL game & it would be stupid to keep him after this season!!
You'd think the prospect of Champions League football and 7 figure salaries would be enough?!
How can the manager lift morale?

get the players to log on to bluemoon, its just one big party on here at the moment
all those positive vibes would boost morale no end

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