How do people get to sleep?

If im not tired when i go to bed reading helps me relax and nod off in no time.

I also worked permanent nightshift for about 14 years, never had trouble getting to sleep but the noise of the daytime traffic and kids going to school would wake me. Then i started using earplugs, very soothing as all i could hear was the sound of my breathing, worked a treat.
apparently the raising and then cooling of the body temp helps - like having a bath or shower before bedtime, and this is often recommended for very young kids (both as part of their daily routine and bedtime/sleep preparation)

when I used to come home in the middle of the morning, sometimes only a few hours before I was due at my corporate job (after an evening's gambling and I was still 'pumped') I'd eat a chocolate bar and immediately chase it with a beer... the combo of a blood sugar and alcohol spike usually sent me off to sleep within 15 minutes. I've never had to resort to medications, and don't even like taking aspirin - just good old fashioned sugar and booze for me, and maybe the news channel on 60 or 30 min timer.

chris_m said:
As I can't sleep atm, I was just wondering what techniques people use to get off(ahem)

I generally think about places I'd love to go, or imagine myself in the blue shirt scoring the winner at the swamp/Wembley/any given CL final venue

See here: -

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ygienetips</a>

Following those tips would certainly help. Other factors worth considering are the darkness of your bedroom and the quality of your bed.

We fitted curtain liners which were well worth the investment making the bedroom darker.

This time last year we also invested in a new bed because the old bed was shot to pieces.

Finally, how about considering a mattress topper and ensuring you aren't too hot or cold. with the number of togs in your quilt.
pauldominic said:
chris_m said:
As I can't sleep atm, I was just wondering what techniques people use to get off(ahem)

I generally think about places I'd love to go, or imagine myself in the blue shirt scoring the winner at the swamp/Wembley/any given CL final venue

See here: -

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ygienetips</a>

Following those tips would certainly help. Other factors worth considering are the darkness of your bedroom and the quality of your bed.

We fitted curtain liners which were well worth the investment making the bedroom darker.

This time last year we also invested in a new bed because the old bed was shot to pieces.

Finally, how about considering a mattress topper and ensuring you aren't too hot or cold. with the number of togs in your quilt.

Good advice, when i worked shifts i invested in blackout blinds for my room and found it easy enough to sleep during even the brightest days, though i would warn anyone considering getting a memory foam mattress that they can be very hard to escape from on a cold dark winters morning.
Jokes aside try and add some daily excercise into your life. Even if you start with 30mins a day of brisk walking where your heart beat is elevated then as you get fitter add other things or even hiking. This will tire you out but added fitness means you have no problems getting a good nights sleep every time. Also try and reduce your carb intake but increase proteins chicken grilled, eggs, fish, brown bread/rice add as many greens as possible to every meal this too will make you sleep like a baby as well as give you much more energy.

Good luck.
The secret Is to get up the same time every morning then go to bed the same time every night whenever possible.
count to 5 with your eyes open then count to 20 with your eyes closed, keep repeating until you doze off, it always works.
Either that or retrieve this thread and read coz I feel sleepy now!

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