How do we combat th Hamburg Drum & Megaphone!!


Well-Known Member
14 Nov 2008
One of the Hamburg Fans posted on another of my threads, That they hope to Bring a Drum and a Megaphone !!! I expect the Drum to be allowed in, But what about the megaphone How do we drown that out !!!!!

Answers on a post card please :)
full house should do it wilf ;-)

tho' the omonia fans had a pretty funky beat this season.(untill they broke out bin dipper flags)
they created a good atmosphere so hope for for same outcome,
WE WIN they bang shout and sing we all take 1 step closer to ISTANBUL.
a few fans braught megaphones in europe to eastlands this year they are easily drowned out even when we had 20 k lol

i was lookng on youtube and hamburg fans sing a song duno what itt is but they all sit down or crouch singing summit then jump up lol and bounce looked funny

"what the fkcin hell is that?!?!" lol
I was thinking it would be one of those really loud ones, like they have in France and Spain !! They also Said Arsenal banned them earlier in the season, Borin Gits. Nicosia Made an absolute racket I think only PSG havn't brought one cos they loved the French National Anthem so much, but to be honest the Drum does my nut in !!!!!

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