How do we resolve the Brexit mess?

Are you suggesting you should be able to get cancer if you have a penchant for smoky bacon crisps, or are you just acting the ****, as usual?
Technically standing outside can cause cancer. Having an x-ray is FAR more likely to cause cancer. What's next? Banning BBQ's? Banning alcohol? Banning fat people?

On the balance of probabilities and risk it really does not matter if they ban a packet of crisps or not because it will not cause a single case of cancer.
Technically standing outside can cause cancer. Having an x-ray is FAR more likely to cause cancer. What's next? Banning BBQ's? Banning alcohol? Banning fat people?

On the balance of probabilities and risk it really does not matter if they ban a packet of crisps or not because it will not cause a single case of cancer.
That’s the kind of bad faith arguments second amendment nutjobs use.

Banning a chemical that has links to cancer is not the same as banning breathing.
That’s the kind of bad faith arguments second amendment nutjobs use.

Banning a chemical that has links to cancer is not the same as banning breathing.
How many deaths are caused by alcohol and smoking? It's just my personal opinion that on the balance of risk there are much more important things to worry about and people should be able to make their own mind up. If there was an established risk of cancer as with something like asbestos exposure then fair enough, but that isn't the case.

It's no different to aspartame in Coca Cola which is well studied and has also been linked slightly to cancer. So do you ban aspartame? What is missed with aspartame is the fact that you'd have to slug away 20 cans a day to even slightly increase your risk.
How many deaths are caused by alcohol and smoking? It's just my personal opinion that on the balance of risk there are much more important things to worry about and people should be able to make their own mind up. If there was an established risk of cancer as with something like asbestos exposure then fair enough, but that isn't the case.

It's no different to aspartame in Coca Cola which is well studied and has also been linked slightly to cancer. So do you ban aspartame? What is missed with aspartame is the fact that you'd have to slug away 20 cans a day to even slightly increase your risk.
Are you really dying on this hill? Substance with links to cancer gets banned and you’re trying to defend the decision by saying look at these other things that are bad for us?

Alcohol and smoking are taxed to the hilt and make more money than it does to treat conditions. Perhaps smoky bacon crisps should be available at £12 a bag.

Scientists discover chemical that can cause cancer and suggest banning it.

Inbetween “yeah, but what about these over here”

Do you have shares in Golden Wonder. (Other smoky bacon flavoured crisps are still available)
You've caused an outcry with that post mate, it'll go down as bacon gate in the distant future.

I'm not sure why all the remoaners take themselves so seriously on this thread.
Self appointed experts on everything Brexit. No doubt the insults will fly from proper keyboard warriors.
Like Vegans, they just cannot help themselves.

Bet they are so much fun in the pub etc.
I'm not sure why all the remoaners take themselves so seriously on this thread.
Self appointed experts on everything Brexit. No doubt the insults will fly from proper keyboard warriors.
Like Vegans, they just cannot help themselves.

Bet they are so much fun in the pub etc.
Wow, remoaners.

You seem stuck in 2016.
I'm not sure why all the remoaners take themselves so seriously on this thread.
Self appointed experts on everything Brexit. No doubt the insults will fly from proper keyboard warriors.
Like Vegans, they just cannot help themselves.

Bet they are so much fun in the pub etc.
I’m fucking brilliant company in the pub.

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