How do we resolve the Brexit mess?

Are you really dying on this hill? Substance with links to cancer gets banned and you’re trying to defend the decision by saying look at these other things that are bad for us?

Alcohol and smoking are taxed to the hilt and make more money than it does to treat conditions. Perhaps smoky bacon crisps should be available at £12 a bag.

Scientists discover chemical that can cause cancer and suggest banning it.

Inbetween “yeah, but what about these over here”

Do you have shares in Golden Wonder. (Other smoky bacon flavoured crisps are still available)
Ah well, think golden wonder are owned by Taytos an Irish company so they may just not bother making them. Europeans ruining our british crisp butties, bastards. :)
Another Brexit benefit, piss-ants coming on this thread to complain about Europe even though we’re not in Europe.

I’m aghast, I tell thee.

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