How do you feel about our success - Old Blues?

I've been a City fan since 1954 - teams in those days were made up of local lads who had immense passion playing for their 'local' team, plus a few from other parts of the UK. All that changed many years ago when clubs started buying players from overseas because they wanted success in cup competitions and the league.

From what I've seen on the TV clips the current squad at City have great passion for the club and our fans. So we bought most of them, so what, lots of other clubs have also bought players in an effort to win something. We have a manager who has melded their skills into a super squad, passionate for success for themselves AND us the fans

As far as I am concerned, success last year and this year ranks the same as success in the good old days.
When people use the term 'Buying the title' for me that applies to Chelsea. The Premier League has never seen the likes of our owners. The entire club is changing not just the playing staff. The new facilities, the new staff etc. So when Ushited go on about keeping their nerve and done it before, they have not come up against a squad this powerful.

To compete and change the order you have to invest initially but its what you do when you are on top that I believe will define us. Chelsea f'ed it up, I don't think our owners will let that happen.

So to answer the OP I have no problem watching top quality players bringing us on par with other teams that spent big. Its our time enjoy it.
Agree with all the posters who state that money and a small amount of luck is needed to win the title and keep winning things year on year.

When was the last team that played in the top division who won the title on a shoestring?

Enjoy the good times that are here and coming and don't let the old money make you double think our new money isn't good enough.
I sometimes feel a tad guilty at the prospect of bought success. But only a bit because when i have those thoughts I simply cast my mind back to how I felt during the moments when we were 2-1 up in the 1981 Cup Final replay. "Is this what it feels like to be winning the cup? Hmmm, not quite how I thought it would feel - different I thought, not as good somehow". Then when we threw it away i was suicidal and regretted feeling that complacency, however brief it was, for the next 30 years.

So no, this time around there is no way it will feel tainted and I am going to savour every single moment. I am even enjoying the nervous anticipation and uncertainty of a close title race coz I know it's gonna happen, even if not this time then very soon and very often. Baby Jesus loves us.
Monksie said:
There is absolutely no need whatsoever to feel guilty about our present - and coming - success. We've not "bought" it at all: we've merely been given a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get back to where we always should have been from the moment Albert Alexander stepped down as chairman and Swales got involved in the resultant power struggle. From that moment onwards we were falling from the pre-eminence established during the Mercer-Allison years.

If we've bought anything it's the ability to attract the correct people to run our club on and off the pitch after decades of failure, near-extinction and fannying about trying to kid ourselves that without major investment we could somehow catch up with those who have been allowed to cream mega-millions in prize money and TV dividend payouts from the Premier League and the Champions League for years. There can be no doubt that at long last we finally have the correct manager to make this wonderful club of ours great again and also that he has staffed the backroom with the right type of personalities, abilities and experience to ensure that our players - at whatever level - are continually given the correct advice on how to progress and improve themselves. This has worked so well to the point that the players actually seem to be playing as if they KNOW they’re going to win the League, not just hoping for it on believing it’s possible. We also have the correct people in the boardroom - would YOU mess with Khaldoon al-Mubarak?? - and various off-the-field departments to finally get this club to where it should be.

As just one example of how we’re finally getting things right take the Tevez affair. Even the media have admitted on just about every station and in every paper that City handled the whole affair correctly and have won hands down. I am so proud of the way the club kept its own countenance and made as few and brief statements as possible, letting the media speculate and Tevez’ advisors fuck it up with endless idiotic statements on his behalf. I could also mention the way the club keeps schtum in the face of various media taunts from over the border in Stretford but there’s really no need.

Of course we’re able to attract better players by paying far bigger transfer fees and wages but the real skill is in moulding them all into a team and, more than anyone else in this league other than perhaps United, we are the best example of a team unit in the League, perhaps even the country. Every time I see some dodgy hack, pundit or rival fan witter on about “keeping all those egos happy” I cringe at the utter cluelessness on display. You can see it every time we score, but more importantly whenever it goes wrong on the pitch. The prime example is Balotelli’s sending off at Anfield: Kompany simply strode forward like a teacher sorting out a primary school games lesson dispute and actually tod that odious gnome Adam to (and I quote) “shut the fuck up”. Yes, he’s the captain but could you honestly imagine Tevez doing the same thing last season? All right, it didn’t prevent the idiotic second yellow card but it did demonstrate how the team is prepared to back each other up when things get rough. These are the moments the pundits etc conveniently forget in their rush for lurid and inaccurate headlines and byelines.

So, although I can just about remember the back end of the Mercer-Allison era (I was 5 when we won the League but my earliest City memory is of Joe Mercer on the pitch after we won the Cup a year later, the day I became a Blue), I don’t feel guilty about how we’ve suddenly been fuelled by petrol dollars to help us get where we are and where we’re going. I didn’t begrudge Blackburn their (unsustainable) day in the sun under Jack Walker and I certainly bore Chelsea no ill will when Abramovich came to town. This way it’s easier to enjoy the current situation and look forward to what will be an undeniably bright and successful future.

Well said "Monksie" a very good post, we must never feel that we have to justify what we are doing to anyone, wether the media or other fans ect................
bob stockport said:
Whatever we do the media will always love a rag over us - they will list trophies etc and I ain't fussed about that. One at work said they have won 12 out the last 20 prem leagues - true or not we have the history and the fans - end of.

being subtle on this hey?
VOOMER said:
bob stockport said:
Whatever we do the media will always love a rag over us - they will list trophies etc and I ain't fussed about that. One at work said they have won 12 out the last 20 prem leagues - true or not we have the history and the fans - end of.

being subtle on this hey?

Just say "yes you did very well in those days".
poh said:
Monksie said:
Cheers Poh, nice to know someone took the time.

Not at all mate,most posters on this subject are the old git brigade and were brought up to take time and read items closely,all the best.

As a member of said brigade, I would just like to add that's a very good post and absolutely spot on. Guilt will be nowhere near my door when we lift the title. I've yet to meet a Blue who thinks any differently.
BillCarlisle Ex-Manchester said:
poh said:
Monksie said:
Cheers Poh, nice to know someone took the time.

Not at all mate,most posters on this subject are the old git brigade and were brought up to take time and read items closely,all the best.

As a member of said brigade, I would just like to add that's a very good post and absolutely spot on. Guilt will be nowhere near my door when we lift the title. I've yet to meet a Blue who thinks any differently.

And bob, stockport, why don't you go the whole hog and make it 'bertie from the massive'?

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