How do you feel about our success - Old Blues?

Been a Blue since 76. I get just the same amount of abuse now as I did when we were shit.

It comes with the territory. I can handle it. I think the players can too.

I will get royally smashed if we win the title.

C'mon City!
Did united fans care about our support levels when we were in the third tier of English football?


Did united fans care that we stuck with our club through thick and thin?


Do they care that we look upon most of their support with derision?


Will they care if we win the league?


Will it hurt them even more because they laughably think that we have 'cheated' financially?

Of course it will.

Their years of taunting and mockery are about to end. Maybe not this season, but they cannot stop the tsunami that is coming their way. Their tears will taste delicious.
As one who has served his time (as they say), i can honestly say that any success we have beats the shit out of failing. Bring it on ... i`m fucking loving all this.
I must admit that, at first, I thought that success, while very welcome after years in the wilderness, would be slightly tainted by the fact that we'd not "earned" it. Winning things because our owner is considerably wealthier than everyone else's owner is a bit like an 18yr old winning a fight between him and an 8 yr old. Barring the unlikely event of a lucky blow from the little 'un, the 18yr old is going to batter him. Is that "fair"? No but that's life and the law of the jungle.

That's the way football is these days however, for better or worse, but it's not us who've made it that way. Clubs get there in different ways and there'll always be the odd surprise but it's well established that the clubs with the highest wage bills generally do better than the ones with the lower wage bills. There'll never be another Nottingham Forest, where Clough & Taylor moulded a group of misfits, gamblers and alcoholics into a European Cup winning side.

Perhaps a good analogy is if you can usually only afford a week in a caravan in Skegness for your family holiday from your own finances but then your parents pay for you and your family to go on a luxury cruise with them for their anniversary. You know you wouldn't have been able to do it on your own but that's not going to stop you enjoying it.

As a football fan, I don't particularly like a situation where there isn't some sort of level playing field like there used to be in the 60's and 70's. As a City fan however I'm delighted we've managed to tip the scales in our favour, even if that involved a huge slice of luck.
Supported them sine 1953. Stood at the scoreboard end at Maine Road before 'graduating' to the Kippax. Even had a spell working for the club from 1965 to 1972 (what a ride that was and what stories I could tell!). I'm not embarrassed by our financial situation and consequent 'success', at all. The fact that we can now compete for top players is fantastic. Yes, we have an advantage because of our owners wealth is a fact, just like it has been for other clubs - Liverpool, Everton, Arsenal, Tottenham, ManU have all spent their way to 'success', over the years, funded by benefactors.
It didn't bother our 'posh' neighbours in the slightest when they were spending the Edward's money, they even comercially exploited the unfortunate tragedy. Whose money would I rather have given a choice between the Sheikh's oil revenue or money from meat sales to schools? Give me the Sheikh every time.

Enjoy it all fellow blues - nothing lasts for ever. I just want to see us be Champions again before my time is up. A repeat of '68 will do me, winning it on the final day of the season! Bring it on!!!
winning the title isn't all achieved we need to win the europa league and the big one champs league and also copa europa<br /><br />-- Fri Mar 02, 2012 3:02 pm --<br /><br />jeez you old codgers need to lighten up know how lucky we are every other club wants to be us
look at wenger dream of winning with homegrown youngsters the kids left
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Did united fans care about our support levels when we were in the third tier of English football?


Did united fans care that we stuck with our club through thick and thin?


Do they care that we look upon most of their support with derision?


Will they care if we win the league?


Will it hurt them even more because they laughably think that we have 'cheated' financially?

Of course it will.

Their years of taunting and mockery are about to end. Maybe not this season, but they cannot stop the tsunami that is coming their way. Their tears will taste delicious.

Love that last line! ha ha.

Born in 1980 I havent put as many years in as some of your good selves, but I've always loved City even when I didnt enjoy every game. Now I enjoy watching every game, I'm not going to stop loving City because we got rich.

City are part of my identity and its been a bit of a culture shock getting used to what we've become but I like it and dont feel any guilt whatsoever about the money.
The thing is, we haven't 'bought' the title, in its truest sense. We've provided investment which will help us to win the title, but it still has to be won. There is still a job there that needs doing.

We've seen teams spend vast sums of money and come up short, we've seen others spend vast sums and dominate for years.

Just because every team that has won the title has needed a lot of money, doesn't mean that every team with a lot of money has won the title.

Look at Liverpool, they spent more than us last Summer and they're looking even worse than they were the year before. Yes, we've evened the playing field. Yes, we've become a part of a select group of teams able to compete at the top. Yes, we are currently at the top and looking strong for our investment. None of that, however, means that it has become a 'null' competiton. There's nothing empty about winning with a lot of financial backing, because when all is said and done, no matter how much money you put out there, it's about whether the 11 men on the pitch can do the job.

We all know it's the system that's broken, and that is no fault of ours. So it's either put up with it and try to win the only way we can, or... the alternative? Not bothering with football at all. I know I couldn't live without City, so I'll sit here and give them that support and hope we keep winning, because it is not as much of a foregone conclusion as people seem to think.
I'm not sure what qualifies you as an "Old Blue"... I've been a blue as long as i've cared about Football and my Grandad and Dad are both life long City fans too. The first time i ever felt like City were the club for me was the 5-1 derby win in 89. I was 9 and i was sat in My Aunties pub in Hulme listning to the game thinkig "this is awesome" :)

In terms of our coming success, if it is to happen, Well i couldn't care less how it comes. As has already been stasted everybody who has won the title, especialy in the premier league era has done so primeraly due to having the finances to have the best players.

The United fans like to believe their club "earned" their money through hard work on the pitch. The ugly truth however is it was a mixture of huge sponsorship & TV revenue combigned with huge shirt sales in the far east that bought them their trophies. They prattle on about this amazing mix of shrewed buys and youth development being the bedrock of their great teams of the last 2 decades... But really?

They had a spot of freak luck getting Giggs, Scoles & Beckham in the same acadamy class. But after that who has come from their academy that has been a truely important figure of their teams?... O'Shea? Brown? Gibson? Evans?... Fletcher is about as good as they got and he was good not great... Richards, Barton, Sturridge and SWP are all better imo.

So basicly it's a case of success through selling shirts to Chinese kids or success through an Arabic prince bakrolling the club. No problem with it on my end.

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