How does the transfer window effect your mental state?


Well-Known Member
21 Aug 2007
Centurions 9301
Team supported
Manchester City
How addictive is all this?

What were the chances of the richest owners ever buying our club?

The combination is lethal. Any other club with any other owners and I wouldn't bother half as much. As it is I'm always on here checking out the nonsense. I've not been married a year yet and all she gets out of me is "oh yeah very nice" Meals are consumed at record pace, favourite TV shows are taped never to be watched and when we are away I'm always on the mobile net.

I love and hate our ITK's in equal measure. I feel like I've been invited to a brilliant party but when I get there I'm only allowed to press my nose against the window and try and make out what's going on inside. I can see Tolmie's Hairdoo drinking champers with Noel Gallagher and Ajay cycles past in his pedal car munching a sarnie.

Every now and again I'm invited inside to see Yaya Silva and Boateng but afterwards I always have to leave and end up back at the window trying to catch a glimpse of Torres or Lahm...."who was that I just saw was it?...." but the curtains have been drawn. All I can hear is Tolmie howling "I never thought I'd see you here" whilst I tap on the window in the vain hope I will be allowed in for a drink and a chat with the rest of the ITKs and secret signings.

"Oh yes I signed days ago but nobody will know till tomorrow or maybe the next day.....have a slice of pie" but I can't see who it is...all I've got is Tolmie singing "Painter Man" by Boney M in my head.

But no matter, on 1st September 2010 we are all invited to the end of transfer window party where we will meet everyone and eat chipsticks and caviar.

Only 47 days left. Will I still have a wife? Will the cat get fed? Will I be able to sneak into the party before the final celebration.

I might be losing my mind. Please tell me I'm not on my own.
I become pretty bored to be honest, the bit where the transfer window is still open and the season has started is good fun though.
To be perfectly honest I just find it fun, and certainly don't take any of it seriously. I've no doubt whatsoever that the ITKs post in good faith, but I'd never believe it wholeheartedly until I see the player revealed by the club. I still can't understand some others who get upset at it and post abuse.

Good fun, and a good laugh as well. In actual fact, you might be onto something with people spending a lot of time on the Transfer Forum, as Off Topic isn't as good as it used to be! Hopefully, once the transfer window has closed Off Topic will pick back up again!
It doesn't really. I'm just content in the knowledge we'll sign some cracking players who will strengthen the team and that we'll do even better than 5th this coming season.
It makes me check my Google Reader City RSS feeds about 10 times a day, including first thing upon waking up in the morning.

It makes me impatient.

It makes me wonder why FIFA 10 won't let me buy any new players when I'm managing City in manager mode.

It makes me actually read the Transfer forum on here, sometimes even more than I read the main forum.

It makes my friends get tired of hearing me talk about who City has signed or may sign.
As we stand i am more than happy with the business we have done to date! Boateng, Silva and Toure as the major signings! That will do for me!

If we sign nobody else these three have taken us significantly forward, and dare i say into a position of challengers for all the pots we are in!

Everything else is just jam on top now!

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