How does the transfer window effect your mental state?

Cityisland said:
Its a blessing and a curse. I cant stay away.

I only descovered bluemoon about a week before i joined it.

Before this i just looked at newsnow every five mins.

I love the speculation, but if we dont sign someone that an itk sed that we are in for then i am in a grump.

I tell my mrs all about it. She is pretty understanding. Like she has a choice....

Im a very sad creature.

A very lucky creature. A lot of people have more pressing concerns.
bumbleblue said:
I am exactly same as op, a hopless hopless case. now its time for my meds again .. nurse NURSE!

Meds that make you hop? Have they got some kind of kangaroo extract in them...?

Anyway... Yeah I'm checking Newsnow/The OS/Bluemoon constantly... Thank god for my iPhone!
Cobwebcat said:
How addictive is all this?

What were the chances of the richest owners ever buying our club?

The combination is lethal. Any other club with any other owners and I wouldn't bother half as much. As it is I'm always on here checking out the nonsense. I've not been married a year yet and all she gets out of me is "oh yeah very nice" Meals are consumed at record pace, favourite TV shows are taped never to be watched and when we are away I'm always on the mobile net.

I love and hate our ITK's in equal measure. I feel like I've been invited to a brilliant party but when I get there I'm only allowed to press my nose against the window and try and make out what's going on inside. I can see Tolmie's Hairdoo drinking champers with Noel Gallagher and Ajay cycles past in his pedal car munching a sarnie.

Every now and again I'm invited inside to see Yaya Silva and Boateng but afterwards I always have to leave and end up back at the window trying to catch a glimpse of Torres or Lahm...."who was that I just saw was it?...." but the curtains have been drawn. All I can hear is Tolmie howling "I never thought I'd see you here" whilst I tap on the window in the vain hope I will be allowed in for a drink and a chat with the rest of the ITKs and secret signings.

"Oh yes I signed days ago but nobody will know till tomorrow or maybe the next day.....have a slice of pie" but I can't see who it is...all I've got is Tolmie singing "Painter Man" by Boney M in my head.

But no matter, on 1st September 2010 we are all invited to the end of transfer window party where we will meet everyone and eat chipsticks and caviar.

Only 47 days left. Will I still have a wife? Will the cat get fed? Will I be able to sneak into the party before the final celebration.

I might be losing my mind. Please tell me I'm not on my own.

All I can say is its like Christmas when you really believed in it

Fucking MAGIC!<br /><br />-- Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:57 pm --<br /><br />
morleyswife said:
Cobwebcat said:
How addictive is all this?

What were the chances of the richest owners ever buying our club?

The combination is lethal. Any other club with any other owners and I wouldn't bother half as much. As it is I'm always on here checking out the nonsense. I've not been married a year yet and all she gets out of me is "oh yeah very nice" Meals are consumed at record pace, favourite TV shows are taped never to be watched and when we are away I'm always on the mobile net.

I love and hate our ITK's in equal measure. I feel like I've been invited to a brilliant party but when I get there I'm only allowed to press my nose against the window and try and make out what's going on inside. I can see Tolmie's Hairdoo drinking champers with Noel Gallagher and Ajay cycles past in his pedal car munching a sarnie.

Every now and again I'm invited inside to see Yaya Silva and Boateng but afterwards I always have to leave and end up back at the window trying to catch a glimpse of Torres or Lahm...."who was that I just saw was it?...." but the curtains have been drawn. All I can hear is Tolmie howling "I never thought I'd see you here" whilst I tap on the window in the vain hope I will be allowed in for a drink and a chat with the rest of the ITKs and secret signings.

"Oh yes I signed days ago but nobody will know till tomorrow or maybe the next day.....have a slice of pie" but I can't see who it is...all I've got is Tolmie singing "Painter Man" by Boney M in my head.

But no matter, on 1st September 2010 we are all invited to the end of transfer window party where we will meet everyone and eat chipsticks and caviar.

Only 47 days left. Will I still have a wife? Will the cat get fed? Will I be able to sneak into the party before the final celebration.

I might be losing my mind. Please tell me I'm not on my own.

All I can say is its like Christmas when you really believed in it

Fucking MAGIC!

Just read it back and yes I ment the presents

Not Jesus - (even though I am catholic) sorry lord and our lady
To be honest, Im not getting that worked up to be fair. I think we have a squad at the moment that can challenge for the title, and for me anything else is a bonus.
I'm becoming bored with it now tbh, it's great to be linked with so many great players but i think i'm reaching saturation point.

Don't get me wrong it's still exciting but I prefered it when we were linked with maybe half a dozen through the whole window, we could probably make half a dozen teams with the players were linked to now.

Having said that I really believe that this is the last big push to get us on par with the remaining SKY 4, one of which we have already surpassed.

Next summer will be much quieter with one or 2 signings.
I was thinking........Even if we don't sign any more players we've still got to lose 6 players in 47 days (new rules)'s going to be very get going City.

I'm still at the window watching Tolmie skipping around at the party.....I don't think I'm getting in tonight.
Cobwebcat said:
How addictive is all this?

What were the chances of the richest owners ever buying our club?

The combination is lethal. Any other club with any other owners and I wouldn't bother half as much. As it is I'm always on here checking out the nonsense. I've not been married a year yet and all she gets out of me is "oh yeah very nice" Meals are consumed at record pace, favourite TV shows are taped never to be watched and when we are away I'm always on the mobile net.

I love and hate our ITK's in equal measure. I feel like I've been invited to a brilliant party but when I get there I'm only allowed to press my nose against the window and try and make out what's going on inside. I can see Tolmie's Hairdoo drinking champers with Noel Gallagher and Ajay cycles past in his pedal car munching a sarnie.

Every now and again I'm invited inside to see Yaya Silva and Boateng but afterwards I always have to leave and end up back at the window trying to catch a glimpse of Torres or Lahm...."who was that I just saw was it?...." but the curtains have been drawn. All I can hear is Tolmie howling "I never thought I'd see you here" whilst I tap on the window in the vain hope I will be allowed in for a drink and a chat with the rest of the ITKs and secret signings.

"Oh yes I signed days ago but nobody will know till tomorrow or maybe the next day.....have a slice of pie" but I can't see who it is...all I've got is Tolmie singing "Painter Man" by Boney M in my head.

But no matter, on 1st September 2010 we are all invited to the end of transfer window party where we will meet everyone and eat chipsticks and caviar.

Only 47 days left. Will I still have a wife? Will the cat get fed? Will I be able to sneak into the party before the final celebration.

I might be losing my mind. Please tell me I'm not on my own.

I would certainly be diagnosed with having serious problem with 'tunnel vision'.

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