How fickle we, and the media, are

twinkletoes said:
blueinsa said:
No im not, im just a spoilt brat! ;-)

You aren't the only one.

Not spoilt mate, just believe we can and should do better than Hughes that's all.

Unless Mourinho is available right now, Hughes will get to the end of the season. If that be the case, his future is in his own hands, he knows what is required, lets see if he can deliver?

I wont mind eating a huge slice of humble pie!

4-0 tomorrow, big win which will hopefully see us going on a nice long winning streak!

Not spoilt mate, just believe we can and should do better than Hughes that's all.

Unless Mourinho is available right now, Hughes will get to the end of the season. If that be the case, his future is in his own hands, he knows what is required, lets see if he can deliver?

I wont mind eating a huge slice of humble pie!

4-0 tomorrow, big win which will hopefully see us going on a nice long winning streak!


But do you think we could do better just because we now have money? Beacause if so, that's the attitude that I dislike.

One of my original points was that actaully, I think this it is an enjoyable season. It wasn't supposed to be a Highes in/out thread in disgiuse.
djelanomcfc said:
This forum is full of people that blame Hughes for absolutely everything. The truth is alot fo the players aren't as good as we think and the expectations are WAY TOO HIGH. Once we beat Sunderland on Saturday all of these Hughes outers will shut up once again and come back when we lose another game. Getting rid of Hughes now would be completely stupid decision and i still have faith that he will get it right, Just have to be patient. It's good to see some people on this forum that i can agree with. I hope these Hughes outers shut up and watch us win this weekend. Well done, good thread.

Agree, there is a vociferous minority who simple go with the unattainable and if anyone has the temerity to challenge and point out that neither Ribery nor Mourinho would be available in January, they tend to resort to abuse and accuse fans, with decades of support, to repair to the urban district down Chester Road. I've got to the point where ignoring them doesn't assist their departure. Challenge head on.
levets said:
And that sums up how I feel about it... well done mate. Must be something to do with being a more mature supporter, having experienced the shite 30 years.

agree fully pal
Weston Blue said:
Not spoilt mate, just believe we can and should do better than Hughes that's all.

Unless Mourinho is available right now, Hughes will get to the end of the season. If that be the case, his future is in his own hands, he knows what is required, lets see if he can deliver?

I wont mind eating a huge slice of humble pie!

4-0 tomorrow, big win which will hopefully see us going on a nice long winning streak!


But do you think we could do better just because we now have money? Beacause if so, that's the attitude that I dislike.

One of my original points was that actaully, I think this it is an enjoyable season. It wasn't supposed to be a Highes in/out thread in disgiuse.

With respect mate, our owners bought us and immediately told the world that they had big plans for us. They stated that they wanted the worlds best players, why shouldnt that also apply to the manager?

Money=success, whether you like it or not, gone are the days that anyone won anything without having access to the most money.
Blueinusa, I hear what you are saying. However, look at Chelsea. How many managers in how many years. It may have brought them some succes, but seemingly little contentment. I hope (perhaps wrongly) that we would be able to reatin some soul as well as having money. Perhaps not.
I love these

Rome wasnt built in a day.
Fergiescum took years.
Wenger took years.
This club has never had stability.
Fergiescum spent over 200million pounds and still only won 4 away games out of 28 at the start of his tenure, and showed more signs of taking his team backwards in spite of this - Oh no wait.
To be the best you need the best, so its time for Dunnie to move on. To be the best you need the best, so lets get a world class manager in charge - oh no wait.

Give this pathetic high and mighty, "im a better city fan than you" argument a rest; we all want whats best for the club and whilst its accepted by most of us that some of you may well think Hughes should be given a bit more time, you think you have the right to shout down the ones who don't. As for the insulting comments that some of us in fact would rather see city lose than pick up the three points tomorrow; more shame on you.

Grow up, its a forum, and if you dont like what you read then dont bother responding to it.

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