How many of you are atheists?

You're right Pam .
All the qualities of " god " as described by the holy books of all the organised religions , seem very much to be the qualities of humans. Jealousy , anger , pride , fear , and love .
Nothing supernatural there .
In another thread on this forum , these things were discussed , and I repeat what I said on there :
Everything on this planet is logical and rational , everything is governed by the the immutable laws of physics and biology , and yet a section of the population of this planet - and I include adherents of all religions - and indeed all who believe in any form of deity , be it in or outside of organised religion , would have us believe that it is all created and governed by a being for which there is no logical or rational explanation.
Damocles said:
nimrod said:
I believe in some sort of god (dont like the word God) but maybe a force that exists or once existed, the big bang (if it happened) had to be 'created' somehow, there are too many things that science doesnt explain.

You've confused not currently having the technology to test the explanations we have with not having any explanations.

The Big Bang wasn't created, this is a misunderstanding in terms. The Big Bang was the first moment time existed. The flow of time is the thing that demands causality to exist. Without time there is no need for causality and it's very possible for things to exist without being created.

You've also made the mistake of saying that the Big Bang "must have being created" but following your own logic this means that whatever created that "must have being created", and this line continues on until you get a to a point where you must accept that it is possible for something to not have a creator. Once you've accepted this you can apply the same logic to the Big Bang.

The problem for me is that the creator answer doesn't make much sense for the reason you have stated but also the big bang theory is all well and good but it doesn't tell us why, something from nothing isn't logical neither is a creator
nimrod said:
Wretched Vengeance said:
Damocles said:
You've confused not currently having the technology to test the explanations we have with not having any explanations.

The Big Bang wasn't created, this is a misunderstanding in terms. The Big Bang was the first moment time existed. The flow of time is the thing that demands causality to exist. Without time there is no need for causality and it's very possible for things to exist without being created.

You've also made the mistake of saying that the Big Bang "must have being created" but following your own logic this means that whatever created that "must have being created", and this line continues on until you get a to a point where you must accept that it is possible for something to not have a creator. Once you've accepted this you can apply the same logic to the Big Bang.

Or you could have just said:


that sentence is easy for you to say maybe :)

mmm, disaster, it will not imbed or whatever the term is. :)
Yes, but each to their own. I came to the conclusion that life is too short to worry about the stupidity of others.
hilts said:
The problem for me is that the creator answer doesn't make much sense for the reason you have stated but also the big bang theory is all well and good but it doesn't tell us why, something from nothing isn't logical neither is a creator

The Universe doesn't have to conform to your logic though the thought behind it is quite logical.

WHY do we think something needs a creator? Because time flows in a certain direction and an event must have a cause.

What would happen if time flowed in the opposite direction? Things would not need a creator and instead would only need a "destroyer". Akin to the famous Red Dwarf episode where a cause needs an event.

What if time didn't flow at all? Something would need neither a creator nor a destroyer.
Damocles said:
nimrod said:
I believe in some sort of god (dont like the word God) but maybe a force that exists or once existed, the big bang (if it happened) had to be 'created' somehow, there are too many things that science doesnt explain.

You've confused not currently having the technology to test the explanations we have with not having any explanations.

The Big Bang wasn't created, this is a misunderstanding in terms. The Big Bang was the first moment time existed. The flow of time is the thing that demands causality to exist. Without time there is no need for causality and it's very possible for things to exist without being created.

You've also made the mistake of saying that the Big Bang "must have being created" but following your own logic this means that whatever created that "must have being created", and this line continues on until you get a to a point where you must accept that it is possible for something to not have a creator. Once you've accepted this you can apply the same logic to the Big Bang.

Well, how do you know that time didnt exist before the BB ?

I dont know maybe something created itself, I dont think about it too deeply but I just believe there is 'something' and I dont know why I believe that, even if that seems illogical to someone else.

I look at the Universe and I just cant believe that it all came from nothing
hilts said:
Damocles said:
nimrod said:
I believe in some sort of god (dont like the word God) but maybe a force that exists or once existed, the big bang (if it happened) had to be 'created' somehow, there are too many things that science doesnt explain.

You've confused not currently having the technology to test the explanations we have with not having any explanations.

The Big Bang wasn't created, this is a misunderstanding in terms. The Big Bang was the first moment time existed. The flow of time is the thing that demands causality to exist. Without time there is no need for causality and it's very possible for things to exist without being created.

You've also made the mistake of saying that the Big Bang "must have being created" but following your own logic this means that whatever created that "must have being created", and this line continues on until you get a to a point where you must accept that it is possible for something to not have a creator. Once you've accepted this you can apply the same logic to the Big Bang.

The problem for me is that the creator answer doesn't make much sense for the reason you have stated but also the big bang theory is all well and good but it doesn't tell us why, something from nothing isn't logical neither is a creator

Something from nothing isn't logical in our heads as that's all we know
Damocles said:
hilts said:
The problem for me is that the creator answer doesn't make much sense for the reason you have stated but also the big bang theory is all well and good but it doesn't tell us why, something from nothing isn't logical neither is a creator

The Universe doesn't have to conform to your logic though the thought behind it is quite logical.

WHY do we think something needs a creator? Because time flows in a certain direction and an event must have a cause.

What would happen if time flowed in the opposite direction? Things would not need a creator and instead would only need a "destroyer". Akin to the famous Red Dwarf episode where a cause needs an event.

What if time didn't flow at all? Something would need neither a creator nor a destroyer.

You will have to be slow with me i'm afraid and you will still probably fail but time flow etc means nothing to me, the universe is there and is tangible but everything has a beginning, absolute nothing is a concept that is hard to get your head around, people think of empty space as nothing but obviously this isn't the case

I cannot see how if you take absolute nothing, no atoms, molecules just nothing then something appears it cannot happen, i don't care how the universe started because that isn't the question, for every discovery the next question is what is behind/caused that

There could be billions of universes outside ours but the question would still be the same, what caused them, what was before them, what created them, we will never know the answer
Bodicoteblue said:
You're right Pam .
All the qualities of " god " as described by the holy books of all the organised religions , seem very much to be the qualities of humans. Jealousy , anger , pride , fear , and love .
Nothing supernatural there .
In another thread on this forum , these things were discussed , and I repeat what I said on there :
Everything on this planet is logical and rational , everything is governed by the the immutable laws of physics and biology , and yet a section of the population of this planet - and I include adherents of all religions - and indeed all who believe in any form of deity , be it in or outside of organised religion , would have us believe that it is all created and governed by a being for which there is no logical or rational explanation.

then again, liking Morrisey has no logical or rational explanation either.
It's like a goldfish trying to work out the internal combustion engine.
There are many things about the physical world about us that we don't understand , and many things that we have yet to understand , but none of the discoveries and none of the great works of scientists and visionaries from Leonardo da Vinci to Einstein have even come close to demonstrating the existence of a god or a creator or any form of supernatural intervention in the world as we know it.

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