Putting this year aside...
I got to wondering... what, mathematically, is the least number of points necessary to possibly win a 38-game P/L title?
If one side wins and another loses, 3 points are generated.
Whereas, if a draw occurs, only 2 points are generated.
So, the least total number of points would accrue to the league if every team drew every match they played.
Should every team in the league somehow draw all of their 38 games, then each team is on 38 points. Some sort of procedure would then be necessary in this extremely unlikely eventuality to decide upon the winner.
So 38 points, are the least possible to win the league (assuming that no additional points were awarded to break ties).
If one were to rule out point ties, then the least number of points to win the league must be 37 plus one win at some point in the season for a total of 40.
Ironically, the 40-point mark traditionally touted as the minimum to afford near certainty against relegation is also the least number of points necessary to win the league outright!