How many politicians do you trust?


Well-Known Member
3 Aug 2008
Ive just come from the land of the sun
just got in from the pub and turned on 5 live to hear some politician banging on about something.
My immediate reaction upon hearing his bullshit was what a tory bastard, but the more I listened I thought was that he could be from any party as I dont trust a word any of them have got to say anymore. And now struggle to tell the difference.
Are there any nowadays that you have any faith in at all?
The expenses scandal finished my voting off.
How about you? Name me a good one?
I think the majority of politicians of all persuasions are good honest people, unfortunatly they have been let down by some scumbags and are now all tarred with the same brush.

I watched the Hillsborough debate in the house of commons and was moved by the passion of the MPs involved from all sides.

Sadly peoples perceptions of our MPs wont improve i fear because of the 24 hour media circus that now dominates politics.
Most human beings have the capacity to be corrupt to varying degrees.

I do believe many politicians enter politics for reasons that, at least in part, encompass a desire to make the world a better place. The fact that they have other motivations and weaknesses alongside that doesn't mean that they are completely in it for themselves.

Is a nurse that rings in sick when she's actually got a hangover all bad? Of course not. And just becuase a politician is ambitious or even occasionally dishonest (as they have to be from time to time) doesn't make him a bad person per se.

I like some politicians from all sides. My favourite post war PM's were Heath and Wilson, for example, even thouggh they couldn't stand each other.

Among the current lot I like Alan Johnson and William Hague, partly because I think they are both men of integrity.

That said a lot of them are cunts, no danger. I'm not naming names but my son's godfather (not my choice) is a north west MP and he is one of the most mendacious fuckers I have ever met. I certainly wouldn't trust him for the time of day.
Thats it. I was very politicised in my younger days. I was bucket collecting for the Miners in 84? but now I cant feel confident that any of them represent our interests over their own. So its gone for me.
I just want to be convinced that anyone fights for the greater good.

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