How Much Do You Watch Football In The Great British Pubs?


Well-Known Member
10 Jan 2012
The pub trade in the UK is dying a slow death.

I think with the rise of the cost of watching football at home with Sky/BT Sports we all need to get our arses down to the pub more next season, have a pint or two and enjoy the game with other football fans, meet new people and have a laugh.

How often do people go to the pub for football these days?
Twice a week easily. I'm blessed with two great local pubs. One has all the foreign channels and the other has forked out for Sky / BT. I understand it costs pubs a bomb to legally show. I hate watching football on my own and hate drinking alone so it's win win.

Palace v Liverpool in 13/14 was hilarious. A Victimpool fan from Cornwall was out of the door by the time the net was rippling from the equaliser and he hadn't pushed me on who I followed despite asking where I was from originally.
I like helping the pub trade out.

The internet is a good invention but you can't beat a face-to-face chat with a beautiful babe.
Never. I personally believe the pub trade are pricing people out, and for my taste, and this is my taste only, they have gone too far down the road with televised events. You can't go for a quiet drink any more without being bombarded with a fucking TV in every corner. If it's not football, then its some other sport, or God forbid, fucking horse racing. Cunts.
The pub trade in the UK is dying a slow death.

I think with the rise of the cost of watching football at home with Sky/BT Sports we all need to get our arses down to the pub more next season, have a pint or two and enjoy the game with other football fans, meet new people and have a laugh.

How often do people go to the pub for football these days?
Never. I personally believe the pub trade are pricing people out, and for my taste, and this is my taste only, they have gone too far down the road with televised events. You can't go for a quiet drink any more without being bombarded with a fucking TV in every corner. If it's not football, then its some other sport, or God forbid, fucking horse racing. Cunts.

If you purposely price your customers out then you're shooting yourself in the foot. Pubs charge what they do in order to make ends meet. Admittedly, I'd guess certain establishments near to our ground put their prices up on match day to make £££; but a decent local boozer or two is a meeting place for friends and a community hub. Anywhere from a Wetherspoons exploiting staff on zero hours contracts through to supermarkets selling 18 cans for £10 is killing the pub trade. It's a real shame.

I contemplate Sky and BT for regular football at home but we have some good Super Sundays out locally and you can't beat an afternoon out with your mates. It's what life is all about.
I went a few times to my local .
It's a lot cheaper buying a 4 pack at the supermarket .
Although it's more of a buzz watching it at the pub .
I think that I only watched one match in a pub last season. Would much rather be there or watch in the comfort of my own house. That said, if for whatever reason I couldn't make a big game, I'd want to be around blues.

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