How was work today?

Tough day because I’m surrounded by the vermin at work, but my policy is always to go on the front foot and when I got into my stride, I actually enjoyed dishing it out to them, particularly because we have lots and lots of ammunition from the last 4/5 years to unleash on them. It also helped that I’m the boss, so I find the tactic of laying into one of them as a message to the rest shuts them up - I know I shouldn’t do that and ordinarily I wouldn’t, but since we only lose a derby match every three or four years, I reckon it’s ok under the circumstances.
Hung said:
Tough day because I’m surrounded by the vermin at work, but my policy is always to go on the front foot and when I got into my stride, I actually enjoyed dishing it out to them, particularly because we have lots and lots of ammunition from the last 4/5 years to unleash on them. It also helped that I’m the boss, so I find the tactic of laying into one of them as a message to the rest shuts them up - I know I shouldn’t do that and ordinarily I wouldn’t, but since we only lose a derby match every three or four years, I reckon it’s ok under the circumstances.

We sure have ammunition. Another one I used was "at one point I thought you was goin to slot six past us!. Now that would have been embarrassing!".
Based in Rochdale my workplace consists of plastics from Ireland, Yorkshire, A Jock, an Aussie, Oh and a South African. I'm quite sure none of the clowns have ever been to a game, but a few of them were highfivin each other in the yard this morning! I'm not a violent chap but I would have gladly stuck the head on any of these cunts that so much as looked my way this morning! I don't mind a bit of banter with scum fans I know, who actually go to games, but fuck me, I can't be arsed with these fuckin morons. I used to be gutted when Utd used to beat us all the time when we were shite, but now I'm not as arsed, we can't beat them every time! Maybe I'm getting old. Raggy neighbour was lurking about this morning aswell so I gave him the eye and he just jumped in his car and fucked off, CUNTS!
as I suspected. City fans are still ace and will bounce back.

We'll always be grounded no matter what.

Thank the lord I am a blue.
They tried,I'll give them that.......I just said "I can handle 1 loss every 4 years at the swamp".
They shut up.
Wind taken out of sails by congratulating our resident plastic on finally doing it ("well done you" with a condescending yet still smug grin) then acknowledging that it's not really like we learned anything we didn't already know about Yaya not tracking back and expecting that some kind of change will of course be happening in the summer to set things back on track.
He could only accept and agree, a nice change from his usual 'any dig will do' desperation of recent years.
Just gave em a smile and derogatory comments like:
1. "Just think what this season could have been like if you'd bought some good defenders in the summer?"
2. "Good job I'm a blue with the heart of a lion then as a lion never loses sleep over the opinions of sheep."
3." I thought you lot didn't care about Manchester derby games?"
4. "Eh up. It's the walking dead. Blimey you look a bit gaunt & peaky. it must be 3 years since you came to try and eat my flesh."
etc etc.
I'm ok I work on my own, but my ex brother in law picks up my son (who was dreading it) in the morning and hasn't got much of an idea about football but took great glea in informing me that he went yesterday and it was a great day. My reply was I thought your big game was Liverpool by your reaction I thought you had won the fucking World Cup.
Not work, school for me, I wasn't looking forward to it considering I live in rag and dipper city (Bristol, my dad used to live in manchester and is a city fan), they started off with the grins and then they came showing the score on their hands, but they stopped when I said I would do the 6-1 but I can't do it on one hand, then they started making puns e.g "only juan goal was offside", "city weren't in front 4-2 long", but I just replied with I replied with "it's only 4-1 game, Kun down", and then they had the cheek to question my loyalties, when they know I've been supporting city my whole life, coming up with the usual "glory hunter" comment, but again, shut them up when I found out I've been to more city games this season than they've been to the swamp in their whole lives combined (there's 3 of them).
Don't like post-derby, win or lose, cause when we win I can't rub it in as I'm on my own, I would love to trust me, but there's so many of them!

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