How was work today?

BenLlewellyn said:
Not work, school for me, I wasn't looking forward to it considering I live in rag and dipper city (Bristol, my dad used to live in manchester and is a city fan), they started off with the grins and then they came showing the score on their hands, but they stopped when I said I would do the 6-1 but I can't do it on one hand, then they started making puns e.g "only juan goal was offside", "city weren't in front 4-2 long", but I just replied with I replied with "it's only 4-1 game, Kun down", and then they had the cheek to question my loyalties, when they know I've been supporting city my whole life, coming up with the usual "glory hunter" comment, but again, shut them up when I found out I've been to more city games this season than they've been to the swamp in their whole lives combined (there's 3 of them).
Don't like post-derby, win or lose, cause when we win I can't rub it in as I'm on my own, I would love to trust me, but there's so many of them!

it doesn't sound like your a glory hunter at all. you have links to manchester and have seen us play live. the irony of them calling you a glory hunter hahaha
plenty of smug rags on train after game, but listening to them they were on freebies,never been before, only 2 of them sounded as though they were regulars. got back to my local and it was the bindippers taking the piss.
as for work, last september when cricket fixtures came out i booked flight to barbados, hoping match wouldn't be a monday night, so now in a bar thousands of miles away from the rag twats although i'm sure there will be a few here
Very good actually - even though a bit knackered after getting up at 2:30am to watch the game.
I got a second coat of paint on the bedroom ceiling, undercoated the wardrobe doors inside and out and finished the crossword without too much trouble.
It is so relaxing having only rugby fans as neighbours who don't know anything about "soccer".
I'm still waiting for the smart-ass email from my elder sister - she's been pretty quiet for the past couple of years. I'll just ignore it anyway.
I work in Liverpool so am surrounded by their fans, however we have 2 united supporters in the office. No gloating though as they are ok for united supporters

They had a few smiles but actually recognised how poor we were and that they still have a long way to go. It ain't very often you get that cos most of them are stupid beyond belief
theres 5 at my work, 1 was on her holiday, 1 was on sick, 1 is a new lad whos a gobby ****, but I put him in place with fuck off rag, 1 I was dreading but he said they played well and we didn't, and 1 who used to go and is a gobby **** but don't now so I call him a plastic. but I did have a bet with him as we do every season and its the first time I have had to pay up for a bit, had a £5 with him and this morning I give him his money in all 5ps, got a pic of him looking at all these 5ps lol which I will put on here soon

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