How Will Mancini Be Remebered???

As a Legend that lasted longer than all the rags and knee jerkers would have liked I hope
taking out how good or bad i think he is, in years to come when i think about him i will see both hands in the air at FA Cup final whistle, running around after Aqureo goal and his grin when he kept saying united will win title, also respect for telling fergie to Fuck off in 1-0 derby, cant think of last time i saw another manager tel him to fuck off they all kiss his arse
For giving me two things I thought would never happen again 'in my lifetime' - the joy of the post match celebrations at The Etihad and the following week replaying all the YouTube clips of those arrogant MANUre shitehawks at Sunderland - the gormless PhilPigJones, the dreadfully ageing Baconface and the strutting arrogance of FatScouseGit, seething with the idea that despite all the shite he had come up with during the season he had been put in his place.

Forza Mancini!!
How will RM be remembered? Speaking as someone who was taken to see City at Maine Road by my Dad in the days of Bert Trautmann, I have supported City thru all those years of ups and downs (more downs than ups), and I learned to understand what my Dad had told me that being a City supporter was like being on a roller-coaster ride. I followed them home and away and now from a distance, but I have remained a true blue, CTID.
I supported City thru the bad years before Joe Mercer arrived, enjoying the run of winning the old 2nd div in 66 & then the exhilaration of St James Park winning the old 1st div in 68 and then winning the FA cup in 69, followed by the Cup-Winners Cup in 70. Those were the days, my friends, and Joe Mercer was the most successful manager in City history.

I kept the faith thru years of ups and downs with poor ownership and poor management. There were occasional bright spots along the way, occasional bright stars. But still we waited over 40 years for something like those glory years to happen again, and meanwhile managers were hired and fired with monotonous regularity.

So when Roberto Mancini arrived mid-season to replace the hopeless & hapless sparkless one, I was one of those who said OK lets see what this guy can do, but I saw him only as another in a long line of short-tem caretaker managers. So for me Mancini has been a mixed success. He tightened up the defence and stopped all those boring draws, and in his first season he taught us to play like a SerieA team to be boring winners. The FA Cup season was great especially beating the reds at Wembley in the semi, and then beating Stoke who had been a bogey team. The Championship season was even better as RM let the shackles off smashing 6 past the reds at OT on the way to that wonderful last day of last season coming from behind, and our joy was only matched by the sad red faces at the final whistle.

So up to 13 May 2012 I would have to say that RM was the most successful City manager since Joe Mercer. But in Europe it is a very different story two years running, money and talent wasted, poor use of players & resources, and the owners faith in RM is the greatest opportunity in football wasted. I am not one of those who shouts for the managers head when we have a run of poor games and poor results. But whether he stays or goes at the end of the season really doesn't bother me one way or the other. Just as long as we don't become like Chelski or Spurs changing managers every season.
Roberto Mancini will be remembered as a qualified success; the most successful City manager since Joe Mercer. the most successful City manager domestically considerering all that money at his disposal and the most disappointing manager in Europe considering all that wasteful extravagence on fees and payroll, such a deep talented squad but such poor tactics and disappointing results.

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