Cannot remember a home Monday evening game this season.10 PL games for the entire season so we won't have many, if any.
Why don't you enjoy the Champions League?Can only speak for myself but if any cup scheme became compulsory I'd cancel my SC.
Price is irrelevant. I shouldn't be forced to buy something I don't want.
I'm in the FA/League Cup schemes as Ienjoy these tournaments.
But CL I don't enjoy.
It's like going to your local supermarket and being charged for parking... I'd rather go to another and not have to pay for parking.
Introduce it by all means City... Lifelong ST holder is lost.
I'd be furious, it's asking a bit to afford a season ticket now without buying additional tickets on top.
I have a 200 mile round trip and work shifts but I do all cup schemes. FA cup cost nothing. League cup £50. Can't remember what Champs League has cost but I think around £25 a game? I enjoy cup games and I think the club have priced them very reasonably this year.In all cup schemes by choice , as I live locally and don't work shifts but think club needs to remember those that are less fortunate and have less disposable income