HRH Prince Philip - Passed Away

From a friend

A sad day for the Royal Family, the Country and my former Regiment.

His Royal Highness Prince Phillip went above and beyond in his duties, taking a very personal interest in the Regiment for many decades. Being a former serving officer in the Royal Navy he knew how to engage with every rank and how important humour is to any service called upon to do some of societies most challenging roles.

In the late 1980’s before my service he was visiting one of the Battalions at a training camp on Salisbury Plain. The programme ran over two days and he stayed in the makeshift Nissan hut designated as the Officers Mess overnight. In the evening after a slightly raucous dinner everyone thinned out to bed, only to be woken by a large explosion at around 3am. The entire officer’s mess paraded out on the adjoining square. A window was thrown open and smoke bellowed out followed by the head of a rather dishevelled Prince Phillip. It was clear that a young officer in a moment of hubris and stupidity had thrown a thunder flash into the Dukes room. The commanding officer made it clear that he expect the officer in question’s resignation letter the following morning. The mess sobered up quickly and went back to bed.

At 5am they were all once again woken by a loud explosion. Yet again everyone filed outside, this time joined by the Duke of Edinburgh. As they stood there waiting for another rollicking from the Commanding Officer, a different window was thrown open and after the smoke began to clear the head of the offending young officer appeared.

With held from his protection team The Duke had settled the score and saved the young officer’s career.
If true that's pretty amazing.

Top bloke.
Thing with no filter you think it and it is just blurted out , mostly no offence meant , it can get you in a lot of trouble , in person, or written down
There's no medical condition called "no filter".
There's no medical condition called "no filter".
Its usually associated with people who were born with female sexual characteristics. I joke but psychology varies just as eye colour etc.. you should meet my neighbour, she's got no filter and no fear.... timid to a fault in most ways but what she says scares the shit out of me on a regular basis, shes also dyslexic, its a whole other way of percieving the world and thinking, watching it made me aware of things about my way of thinking and seeing that i thought were normal as feck but turn out to be super dodgy, unreliable, and the source of a lot of problems down the years

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