HRH Prince Philip - Passed Away

I’m actually anti-monarchist but some of the stuff on here captures the woke situation admirably. Blunt comments using insensitive language = complete cnut of a human being. End of. No matter what else they did over and above the diddly squat achieved by armchair detractors.

As for anyone attempting humour without appropriate diversity training and/or a multI-syllabic Asian name...well, they can just fcuk off back to reading the Daily Fail in their stinking Burnley (or Windsor) hovels.
Dig a little deeper mate and you might find one or two other things you didn't know about him!
Know what I mean (nudge nudge wink wink).
He liked a filly or three is what I was told by a special policeman that used to guard at the lowther horse trials, where Phil used to race that cart thing.
As the eldest son of the monarch,
He automatically became
Prince of Wales
Duke of Cornwall,
Duke of Rothesay,
Earl of Carrick,
Baron of Renfrew,
Lord of the Isles, and Prince and Great Steward of Scotland

He inherited the titles
Duke of Edinburgh,
Earl of Merioneth,
Baron Greenwich
upon the death of his father.

Well that's page one of any letter he writes filled in lol
If there was a vote tomorrow, keep the monarchy, bin it, what do you think the result would be ?
Just out of interest
To be honest I have no idea & dont really care, if people want a royal family fair enough crack on but let those of us who are not interested get on with our lives, I mean i had to wait 24 hours the other day for Monty Don to show me the right way to plant my spuds!
I mean i had to wait 24 hours the other day for Monty Don to show me the right way to plant my spuds!



One gold coin of the realm for two and a half kilograms of the finest with not a mucky hoe in sight.
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To be honest I have no idea & dont really care, if people want a royal family fair enough crack on but let those of us who are not interested get on with our lives, I mean i had to wait 24 hours the other day for Monty Don to show me the right way to plant my spuds!
Ha i hear you but i would say the majority would vote for a monarchy. Id say 75% to be honest.
so yep, you’ll just have to wait for montys spuds ;)

Id vote to keep it 100% but ive also seen hardly any stuff on the tv about Phil. I just chise to watch one of the other 3000 channels
As the eldest son of the monarch,
He automatically became
Prince of Wales
Duke of Cornwall,
Duke of Rothesay,
Earl of Carrick,
Baron of Renfrew,
Lord of the Isles, and Prince and Great Steward of Scotland

He inherited the titles
Duke of Edinburgh,
Earl of Merioneth,
Baron Greenwich
upon the death of his father.

You're right that at the moment it's transferred to Charles.

When Charles becomes King, the title becomes merged with the crown, and will be created anew for Edward. That was announced when Edward married.

The current DoE title was re-created for Philip.
Having a monarchy isn’t democratic but I’d rather stick with it as long as the monarch carries on in the same exemplary way as the current one whether it be Charles or William. If they start behaving like cunts then it’s time to get rid. The alternative is an elected President which means a possibility that we could end up with a Trump, Bolsanaro or Putin equivalent if there was a concerted effort by elements of the media to promote it. We’d have the Express pushing for the gammon to vote for President Farage in no time.

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