HRH Prince Philip - Passed Away

Who wants to be playing/following football on such a sad occasion?
He was 99. Over 125,000 people have died in a much sadder way. It's utterly over the top and pathetic. He is no better than any of them, in fact, he wasn't even a nice person. But because has Royal we pretend he was lovely. He wasn't. And everybody knows he wasn't. It's utter hypocrisy that we condemn people for doing what he did his whole life, treating people like shit. Talking down to people, being obnoxious, rude, racist and entitled. His family should grieve him and anybody else who is so inclined, but to try to cast him as some sort of great guy, is a joke. The country and sport should not be disrupted because of him. If anybody wants to watch him buried no worries, but plenty don't and they shouldn't be forced to either. The TV coverage the other night was a disgrace. Where are we, fucking North Korea?

Who wants to be playing/following football on such a sad occasion?

Me, it's a cup semi final and should go ahead, also I am not imediate family or friend of the deceased so as sad as it is for those around him, after the burial, it should be left as a private matter and coverage diminished to relevent news outlets

The funeral is 3pm, will last about 30 mins so any coverage should be over by 4pm at the latest them coverage should be left to the news channels.

BBCnews24 and the red button can continue coverage if they want to waffle on for hours on the same thing.
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Well I’ve watched a few things about him over the last couple of days and it’s shown a side of him I didn’t know about. Obviously there’s the infamous gaffes etc but he had to sacrifice a great deal of his own personal ambition once she became queen. Plus he actually managed to drag the monarchy partly into the 20/21st century.
Always seemed to have time to talk to staff etc in some of the footage shown yesterday.
Stick it on Pay Per View at a tenner a pop. See how many people pay for it.
In fact, put all royal news, weddings etc on a PPV channel so only the people who are interested have to endure it. Use whatever is raised to fund the civil list.
Defund the royal family and make them earn their keep, just like the far right demands of the BBC
Said exactly the same last night. Or at least put the royal bollox on red button.

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