Hughes Needed More Time

Translates to:
We could all see that half of his signings were useless and he was shit, but if we shut our eyes and pray it all might have changed in time.
No it wouldn't and the shit players will largely remain shit till we get rid of them, guess what, Mancini will sign some good players but some may turn out to be shit aswell. We need the stomach to be able to keep the good stuff and eject the dross, just like Chelsea did!
panzer1311 said:
ok tin hat on........mark hughes should have been given more time than 18 months. some of the posts on this forum are ridiculous, ie " hughes's style of football was shite".....ive been to all the home games this year. and most of the time we have played attacking/attractive football!, maybe some games (hull) we tried to walk the ball in the net, but haven't aresenal been "accused" of that? the problem was the defence, and yes they are hughes's signings. but 18 months is not enough time for a back 4 to form an understanding,i think given time he would have made more signings like bellamy/de jong etc.......... iam 100% behind any decision ADUG make, (city are my concern not mark hughes) but they should have given him this saeson at least

I agree that he's been badly treated but IF he'd have stayed could we have made the top 4 this season? I think that's a reasonable aim given Liverpool's blow up. I don't think so. Our form since early season is woeful. There is sadly no way we'd have made it, nor the 70 points being talked about. And do you think we'd ever win the league under Hughes? If not, then he's not the right man for us and there's no point in waiting... (and I say this and I wasn't even a Hughes outer)

Onwards and Upwards, Forza City
One thing I love about Mancini so far is that he's not talking about needing time, or getting his own players in or gelling.

He's talking about work on the training track, coaching, organisation and winning.

Talk can be cheap but give me the Mancini approach any day.
panzer1311 said:
.....ive been to all the home games this year.

Even if I agreed with you (which I don't), this accounts for less than 1/2 of our games this season! Try putting up with the tactically clueless shite we've had to watch away from home... being a regular at all our away games, not a single one of the regular away-day blues (or which I know many)... shares this opinion!

And before anyone starts... you really don't get a true impression of tactics, field position and workrate on the Telly!!!!
panzer1311 said:
ok tin hat on........mark hughes should have been given more time than 18 months. some of the posts on this forum are ridiculous, ie " hughes's style of football was shite".....ive been to all the home games this year. and most of the time we have played attacking/attractive football!, maybe some games (hull) we tried to walk the ball in the net, but haven't aresenal been "accused" of that? the problem was the defence, and yes they are hughes's signings. but 18 months is not enough time for a back 4 to form an understanding,i think given time he would have made more signings like bellamy/de jong etc.......... iam 100% behind any decision ADUG make, (city are my concern not mark hughes) but they should have given him this season at least

For what it's worth I agree, I was surprised by ADUG's decision in all honesty even more so when you consider the target they laid out of 70 points. There were so many factors that suggested this would have been achievable even with Hughes in charge - 2 more games played away than at home, Villa's next two games are Arsenal & Liverpool we have Stoke and Wolves. Drawn games that but for individual errors would have been wins in at least 4 games. Semi final achieved. I don't buy into this idea that the football we played was sh*te - the defense has been poor and costing us points but I believe we have played some good attacking fluid football

All that said, I have been impressed by Mancini and am positive it is a good appointment. I would have rather we get where we need to go with a British manager (even an ex red one) I'm not particularly keen on going down the foreign manager route but if he's a good manager then he's a good manager and I'm sick to death of the in-fighting so need to use this as an opportunity to unite behind the club.
PaulPowre said:
panzer1311 said:
ok tin hat on........mark hughes should have been given more time than 18 months. some of the posts on this forum are ridiculous, ie " hughes's style of football was shite".....ive been to all the home games this year. and most of the time we have played attacking/attractive football!, maybe some games (hull) we tried to walk the ball in the net, but haven't aresenal been "accused" of that? the problem was the defence, and yes they are hughes's signings. but 18 months is not enough time for a back 4 to form an understanding,i think given time he would have made more signings like bellamy/de jong etc.......... iam 100% behind any decision ADUG make, (city are my concern not mark hughes) but they should have given him this saeson at least

Hahahaha "18 months is not enough time for a back 4 to form an understanding" what a crock of shit, MH replaced the center halfs Left back and right back with his own choices. He rarely played Zab and Toure and Lescott are useless, He also signed Bridge and he was awful for his first 6 months. He somehow managed to turn Robinho and Ade into two players not interested in playing for the club. His tactics were awful and his use of subs were totally useless. He spent over £200m and the only two signings that constantly shown worth their price tag was Given and Bellers. He was turning us into a laughing stock and a mid table team when we should have been in the top 4 as the usual top 4 teams are struggling this season.

But most of all he was a rag and i for one am glad he's gone :)
if you read my post.......i DID say they we're his signings. and yes they are shite. but 1/ zab is not the answer at right back and 2/ how the fuck is it his fault that adebayor and robinho "are not interested in playing for us" FFS mate they're on 150 k a week!!!!!!!!!!! lazy twats. so all of a sudden they are going to "try" under mancini?????????? now that IS a crock of shit!
Blue Mooner said:
panzer1311 said:
ok tin hat on........mark hughes should have been given more time than 18 months. some of the posts on this forum are ridiculous, ie " hughes's style of football was shite".....ive been to all the home games this year. and most of the time we have played attacking/attractive football!, maybe some games (hull) we tried to walk the ball in the net, but haven't aresenal been "accused" of that? the problem was the defence, and yes they are hughes's signings. but 18 months is not enough time for a back 4 to form an understanding,i think given time he would have made more signings like bellamy/de jong etc.......... iam 100% behind any decision ADUG make, (city are my concern not mark hughes) but they should have given him this season at least

For what it's worth I agree, I was surprised by ADUG's decision in all honesty even more so when you consider the target they laid out of 70 points. There were so many factors that suggested this would have been achievable even with Hughes in charge - 2 more games played away than at home, Villa's next two games are Arsenal & Liverpool we have Stoke and Wolves. Drawn games that but for individual errors would have been wins in at least 4 games. Semi final achieved. I don't buy into this idea that the football we played was sh*te - the defense has been poor and costing us points but I believe we have played some good attacking fluid football

All that said, I have been impressed by Mancini and am positive it is a good appointment. I would have rather we get where we need to go with a British manager (even an ex red one) I'm not particularly keen on going down the foreign manager route but if he's a good manager then he's a good manager and I'm sick to death of the in-fighting so need to use this as an opportunity to unite behind the club.
Hughes was welsh, that's a foreigner to me!
Why do you want a British manager? He can come from outer Mongolia for all I care if he gets the job done!
MH never got the best out of our forwards either to be honest!
mammutly said:
Hughes Needed More Time

Yeah well. He didn't get it.

So please stop boring the arse of people by banging on and fucking on about it.

PS: Merry Christmas
panzer1311 said:
PaulPowre said:
Hahahaha "18 months is not enough time for a back 4 to form an understanding" what a crock of shit, MH replaced the center halfs Left back and right back with his own choices. He rarely played Zab and Toure and Lescott are useless, He also signed Bridge and he was awful for his first 6 months. He somehow managed to turn Robinho and Ade into two players not interested in playing for the club. His tactics were awful and his use of subs were totally useless. He spent over £200m and the only two signings that constantly shown worth their price tag was Given and Bellers. He was turning us into a laughing stock and a mid table team when we should have been in the top 4 as the usual top 4 teams are struggling this season.

But most of all he was a rag and i for one am glad he's gone :)
if you read my post.......i DID say they we're his signings. and yes they are shite. but 1/ zab is not the answer at right back and 2/ how the fuck is it his fault that adebayor and robinho "are not interested in playing for us" FFS mate they're on 150 k a week!!!!!!!!!!! lazy twats. so all of a sudden they are going to "try" under mancini?????????? now that IS a crock of shit!
Personally I'd get rid and audition some replacements, lingering on with players or managers will only delay progress, when other clubs have stuck by a manager over time, it only worked because they got rid of flops eventually. Wenger does the same, signs shit loads of young players to find the ones he sticks with. Give them their chance but if they fail to take it, fuck em off!

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