Hughes OUT

mb1977 said:
He has been a part of the set-up for a relatively short period of time, add into the mix the pressure that he holds the unprecendented position of heading up the newly acclaimed richest club in the world with a squad that is yet to have even half a season under its belt. He has the weight of the worlds medias eyes upon him waiting, with knives out after every single result and press trying to cook up shite about his prized players going to Barcelona, or wherever during every press conference.
That's utter crap mate, short period of time, I think the fans have been more than patient. The media can say what they like, and to honest, having spent £250 million, they have a right to question how long players that ought to be playing CL football - will stay with us. As a top flight manager, he should learn to deal with that, shouldn't he?

What we need more than anything right now is patience and to remember that this is a long term thing- chucking someone out now whos committed himself to the long haul will only set us back 12 months -what happens when a new managers honeymoon period is over should he go too- should we give every name manager a chance to come and play fantasy football with the money. No- we need to get the fuck off the managers back- let him work through it, learn how to grow into the job and learn how to MANAGE all the pressures that come with it.
I am happy to be patient when I see progress. But you know, as well as I do, that this manager is not improving things. He is throwing money at a situation until it starts to work. Did he work through the losing away from home trend last season? Would you be surprised if this stupid draw trend carried on beyond Christmas or got worse? No you wouldn't mate, be honest. Snapping and sniping at the fans is completely out of order mate. Most are well grounded and just want to see improvement. The man has been a PL and International coach for a long time, and if he can't manage the pressure by now, he never will!

Time will tell if Hughes is right, if hes got the skills to move us on as a team to where our riches could and should take us- but that time should be over a couple of seasons, a couple of final league positions and cup runs- not a ridiculous run of results mid-season.
You may think the team is improving, but you are wrong, the class of players we have has improved, however the same old problems still exist.

No doubt theres still a lot of work to do yet at City, but in my opinion us blues can choose to jump on the backs of the blokes trying to do the jobs -like every other media idiot whos got it in for us- or we can help the club by supporting them. I know which side I stand.
You continue to claim that MH is doing a great job then mate, but other people can see that just isn't true, so don't be irked by it. Everybody on here has been hoping MH would prove the doubters wrong, but nope, and I doubt he even will as he only seems to have one answer to the problems, wait to January and spend the problem away again.
im sorry but everyone who is moaning about the defence after todays match why ? they got a penalty that got them the draw. the defence kept them quiet and hull never looked like scoring. and to the substitutions that he made with RSC for ade i think ade was a bit injured cos he went down just before that. i heard someone on the radio that when santa came on we play with 10 men cos he can only head it amd we need high crosses. i think he can do more than just head the ball otherwise he wouldnt be playing football . all substitutions dont change a game but when hughes doesnt youn all moan and saying why not. but when last week he brought tevez on who changed the game but i didnt hear anyone sayin anything good about hughes cos he made that sub. if we won the game today no1 would say anything bad but we drew again but was it hughes fault that the ref gave a pen which wasnt. and yes i know we should have seen the game out before then but hull never looked like scoring anyways . we should have had a penalty ourselves and if we would have scored that we would have won confortably. we just havent got the luck at the moment. lets hope it changes on wednesday and we get to the semis of the cup where we havent been for a while .
m27 said:
reznikov said:
low post count, regular reader, 100% home game, 50% away game attendee before anyone goes on.

What has Mark Hughes had?

He has been give carte blanche to appoint his own staff in every position in the whole club. Re Jim Cassell: without wanting to be overly ITK Jim was happy to be moved aside, he is an old man and wants to retire, however he was having major disagreements with Hughes so a large paycheck shut him up and moved him on. Jim shouldn't be blamed in any way for doing this, he has given years of his life to City and a chance to look after his family for ever can not be dismissed.

Hughes. He has spent an inordinate amount of money improving Carrington. Yeah Carrington and the training may be more professional. But why the fcuk is this though a sign of Hughes' competence? Any World Class manager would have improved the facilities. nb, Sven began the improvements anyway until the Thai madman pulled the rug. And the Sven/Leisure camp accusation may have been true, yet really, with worse players and lax training, we were a better team than now imo.

Hughes has given the money to buy who he wants. I do think the majority of Hughes' singings has been successful in improving the quality of footballer we had in the squad. However with the chance he has had he has failed miserably imo. The players we have bought (toure, ade, tevez, swp, barry, bridge, robi, de jong, lescott) by and large are very good, top 4 premiership footballers, yet they are not playing as such. If they are top 4 quality then why are they not performing? Leadership? Tactics? Belief? Doesn't that come from the manager?

We have all the finance, fans, ground, reputation, players(almost) etc to be a world renowned winning team yet we are persisting with a manager that has not won anything. A 7th place finish with blackburn is his highlight.

Fwiw i do not believe Jose or Hiddink will come.

Removing Hughes mid-season is a big problem though as he has installed many of his own people in positions in the club. For that I do not blame him, yet I blame the board for allowing someone (unproven) to gain such an authority over a club with the undoubted potential of ours.

Imo if things do not improve, ie we continue with poor disjointed performances, lack of fight, lack of belief, we should offer someone, Klinsmann, Mancini, a 6 month contract and say, buy no players, prove yourself as a good man manager, show improvement in the style of football, and then you have the chance to make your name. This would only be in the instance of a top 4 finish being out of reach, which could be soon unfortunately :(

Who knows what is gonna happen? I pray to god we improve but I just see a side and a squad that lacks in belief. A manager that splits the fans in half is not good, everyone can agree on that, but Hughes is running out of time.

For all the people who want to keep hughes, and believe all hughes outers to be impatient children demanding the title now, don't be so daft. We expect progress. We expect that if a manager has been given a clean slate to build his own team, then it should be doing better than 7 points from 21. Hughes specifically bought English based players so the would 'hit the ground running'. They did, and now they have stopped. Why? Someone who wants Hughes to stay, please say why a group of good premiership players are getting more disorganized and lost with every game?
This is not a post professing to know all the answers, just needed to get it off my chest ;)

night x

Excellent stuff. Please post more often.

I second that, Excellent post and couldn't agree more with it.
Patience is wearing thin. That is three bad results in our last three home league games. Not good enough today and I, for the first time agreed with the criticism of 4-4-2 with players out of position.

That said I still have faith in Hughes and don't think a reactionary sacking is the way to go. Let's see where we are in five games time and if things haven't picked up then perhaps it is time for a change. For now, although our recent home games have been especially poor I think Hughes is still deserving of time to turn it around.
jwm92 said:
and yes i know we should have seen the game out before then but hull never looked like scoring anyways.

I don't know what game you were watching mate, but about two minutes before the goal, I said to my sister whom I was watching the game with "these fuckers are gonna equalise" to which she replied, "we can't put this game to bed, I bet we end up with another draw on our hands"

Now either I am Derek Ocura (or whatever the twat is called) or THEY DID LOOK LIKE SCORING = and guess what..............!
M27 I agree totally with your post. Been a watching these bastards for over 40 years, season ticket for last 20 and have vigorously opposed our culture of continually changing managers and have been a big Hughes supporter.
We need stability to build a foundatation for the future. At the time of Hughes appointment I was convinced Hughes was the man for the job. But then things drastically changed with the change of ownership, which brought us the buying power to buy the best players in the world. This event clearly showed that Hughes was most definitely not the right man for this new much bigger job.
Todays perfomance against Hull was very poor, and hard to understand when you look at the quality in the team sheet. For gods sake we have Robinhio, Adeybayor, Teves, Lescot , Toure, SWP and Given. Hull are a bunch of no marks.Yet we could not outplay or even beat Hull on our own ground.
Todays performance was inept as were the performances against Fulham and particularly Burnley, indeed as inept as anything I have witnessed in the last 40 years including the last 6 months of Pearce.
It is crystal clear Hughes is not man enough for the job and blindly supporting him just because he is our manager will not change things. I just hope the guy with the cash knows enough about football to get rid of Hughes and his Taffia as soon as possible to prevent us from becoming an even bigger laughing stock than we already are.
Just to make it clear for those that did not go todays gae our performance was absolutely abysmal and even the staunchest Hughes inner will not be able to dispute this. We were s---, YET AGAIN.
Cartz said:
he needs to go he took no chances in transfer market he played it safe we could all do that the players dont play for him five draws fuckin joke all against teams we should have won
kill yourself ! you twat.
M27 I agree totally with your post. Been a watching these bastards for over 40 years, season ticket for last 20 and have vigorously opposed our culture of continually changing managers and have been a big Hughes supporter.
We need stability to build a foundatation for the future. At the time of Hughes appointment I was convinced Hughes was the man for the job. But then things drastically changed with the change of ownership, which brought us the buying power to buy the best players in the world. This event clearly showed that Hughes was most definitely not the right man for this new much bigger job.
Todays perfomance against Hull was very poor, and hard to understand when you look at the quality in the team sheet. For gods sake we have Robinhio, Adeybayor, Teves, Lescot , Toure, SWP and Given. Hull are a bunch of no marks.Yet we could not outplay or even beat Hull on our own ground.
Todays performance was inept as were the performances against Fulham and particularly Burnley, indeed as inept as anything I have witnessed in the last 40 years including the last 6 months of Pearce.
It is crystal clear Hughes is not man enough for the job and blindly supporting him just because he is our manager will not change things. I just hope the guy with the cash knows enough about football to get rid of Hughes and his Taffia as soon as possible to prevent us from becoming an even bigger laughing stock than we already are.
Just to make it clear for those that did not go todays game our performance was absolutely abysmal and even the staunchest Hughes inner will not be able to dispute this. We were s---, YET AGAIN.

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