Hurry Back Vincent

The Fat el Hombre said:
thegoat10 said:
I think he is a cracking player and definately has a role in our squad. On current form he would be on the bench for me. I think NDJ is a better player in that position and his performances so far this season have been immense. Should Barry get injured and we play the 2 of them in front of the back 4 you would not see many people getting past them.
Like you say Fat Hombre he had a cracking season last year and was my 2nd vote for player of season.

Well I rate de Jong very highly as well and am glad they're both in our squad, but some of the comments on here about Vinnie are very unfair. You say 'on current form he would be on the bench for me', but Vinnie has no current form! He hasn;t had the chance to put his side of the argument across, it's just cos we're winning and we've been playing well that people assume Vinnie isn't good enough anymore. People are writing him off which is astounding considering how he played last year. The first half of the season he pretty much single handedly held the midfield together and it was only when he was carrying injuries that he wasn't quite as immense.

The Hamburg away match would not have gone the way it did if Vinnie was in the team IMO

Agree with the Hamburg comment and the fact he held the defensive part of our midfield together (Ireland was awesome in midfield).
About "on current form" I meant not so much for VK but the fact you cant drop GB or NDJ because of the way those 2 are playing. I dont assume he is nt good enough, there are only 2 shirts to play for and 1 of the aforementioned 3 will be left out. Through no fault of his own (probably a credit to the lad becuase he played through the pain barrier) VK is injured so you cant play him, when he is back he might have to bide his time. He is definately good enough.
i8rags said:
kolo will be right back and vincent centre half. any probs (injuries etc) in midfield vincent will push forward and kolo will go back to centre with zab or micah at right back.

Interesting. Vinny can certainly cover those bases and Wenger did use Kolo at RB I think.....? Kolo certainly has the drive and the passing for it.

Hard on Zabba but that sounds like a plan to me. We need Vinny's 6' 4'' height in defending set pieces as much as anything else and his performances before his injury would suggest he is worth a spot.
Rammy Blue said:
There are some people on here who have very short memories and/or a lack of decent football knowledge.

For his first dozen or so games last season Vincent was magnificent, winning man of the match in most. It was the toe injury that restricted him from then on and the guy played, with the help of injections, through the pain barrier week in week out because of our lack of depth right up to the end of the season.

Once he is back in FULL fitness people will soon realise they had forgotten how good the "real" Vince is.

Finally someone who speaks the truth.

Some people on here are fucking clueless.
bluezippy said:
People seem to put on their blue-tinted specticles when they take about Vinnie.

Don't get me wrong I think he is a good squad player... but no-more.

Any Hamberg fan will tell you that De Jong is twice the defensive midfielder Vinnie is, it's just a few of the usual boo-boys needed a target last season to vent at, and De Jong became an easy target. Hopefully De Jong is starting to win around the doubters (he certainly has with our regular away supporters, but I get a feeling some of the home support is still reserving judgement!)

With De Jong's form and Barry, Zab & Johnson also options in this position, Vinnie is going to find it increasingly difficult to get in the side.

Anbody daft enough to think Vinnie is a centre half obviously doesnt go to the games, and only saw the Stuttgart game on TV. The few times he had to play at centre half in the league he got found out big time!.... not quick enough, turning circle of a supertanker, not that good in the air for a big man, positional play suspect... in short...... he's not a centre half!

With this being a world cup year, and Vinnie needing first team football, I really woundnt be suprised to see Vinnie sent out on loan in January
99% correct, he won't go out on loan though, he fills too many positions.
Anbody daft enough to think Vinnie is a centre half obviously doesnt go to the games, and only saw the Stuttgart game on TV. The few times he had to play at centre half in the league he got found out big time!.... not quick enough, turning circle of a supertanker, not that good in the air for a big man, positional play suspect... in short...... he's not a centre half!

Vinny is top drawer. Better than Kolo and Lescott at CB and better than Superman in the deeper midfield role.
He'd be my first name on the teamsheet.
I'm not writing Vinnie off- the fact we have players of this calabre as options, shows how far we have come!

I never said I wanted him to go out on loan, but you really can't underestimate the importance of him playing regular 1st team football in a world cup year!

Yes he was playing uinjured, and i would certainley not fault his attitude or commitment, but i really do think his style of play is more suited to a slower European game, unfortunatley we're not in Europe yet!

Never would I advocate selling him, but he is definatley NOT a centre half!

As for the 'our best defender comments', Dunney was head and shoulders our best defender last year... but that's a different topic all together!
bluezippy said:
I'm not writing Vinnie off- the fact we have players of this calabre as options, shows how far we have come!

I never said I wanted him to go out on loan, but you really can't underestimate the importance of him playing regular 1st team football in a world cup year!

Yes he was playing uinjured, and i would certainley not fault his attitude or commitment, but i really do think his style of play is more suited to a slower European game, unfortunatley we're not in Europe yet!

Never would I advocate selling him, but he is definatley NOT a centre half!

As for the 'our best defender comments', Dunney was head and shoulders our best defender last year... but that's a different topic all together!
The fact it's a World Cup year is irrelevant when looking at Kompany, Belgium are well out of contention for the finals so this is just any other year for him.
your right Matty.... my mistake!

I didn't realise Belguim were so far behind 2nd place.... no pressure from him (or his international manager) to go on loan after all!
lionheart said:
It will be great to have the 6ft 4ins frame of Vincent Kompany back to help defend corners and other set pieces. They are good but Kolo and Joleone lack the commanding presence we need in those situations. My question is who will drop out to accommodate VK?

bluezippy said:
People seem to put on their blue-tinted specticles when they take about Vinnie.

Don't get me wrong I think he is a good squad player... but no-more.

Any Hamberg fan will tell you that De Jong is twice the defensive midfielder Vinnie is, it's just a few of the usual boo-boys needed a target last season to vent at, and De Jong became an easy target. Hopefully De Jong is starting to win around the doubters (he certainly has with our regular away supporters, but I get a feeling some of the home support is still reserving judgement!)

With De Jong's form and Barry, Zab & Johnson also options in this position, Vinnie is going to find it increasingly difficult to get in the side.

Anbody daft enough to think Vinnie is a centre half obviously doesnt go to the games, and only saw the Stuttgart game on TV. The few times he had to play at centre half in the league he got found out big time!.... not quick enough, turning circle of a supertanker, not that good in the air for a big man, positional play suspect... in short...... he's not a centre half!

With this being a world cup year, and Vinnie needing first team football, I really woundnt be suprised to see Vinnie sent out on loan in January

Not too sure on the last line as that's the time of the African Nations, but the rest is Bang. On. The. Money! It's also something I've said myself.

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