Think they need to up the ante in these bush tucker trials. Maybe a few more involving water and then they can
add in a few great whites and salt water crocs. Endless bugs are getting a bit so so.
Was thinking the same after just catching up with last night's, the ones that scare them are usually the best, remember that twat Burrell squealing like a girl when he had to put his hand in holes in the rock, quality tv that was, there's been others too, bugs are a bit boring, although that big spider in Nick Knowles hair had me squirming.
As for Noel Edmonds, he's not quite pulling off the role they've asked him to play and it's proving uncomfortable viewing so far, hopefully they'll drop it all sooner rather than later, I'm sure they will have contingencies for when something isn't working quite right. Never been keen on all that camp president/emperor caper, preferred it when they showed more of the interaction between the campers.
Hopefully Anne will get voted for a scary trial for comedic value, as for them all being briefed about her autism, maybe so but ITV haven't been shy about showing her vulnerability, they needn't have aired any aspect of it if they didn't want, they have 24hrs (16ish waking) x 12 campers of footage to go at in order to harvest less than 1hrs worth each night, there must be stuff available showing Anne having a normal chat about something other than autism, like food maybe.
Only thinking aloud really, it's still one of the few programmes I go out of my way to watch every year, don't know why, must be braindead.