I’m a celebrity!

Ant is yesterday's man. This series has seen to that.
You are correct she could more than comfortably do it each year and she will - the money is to good to turn down.
I think think they will bring Ant back but in a different capacity and not as a lead presenter.

Also, it proves they don't really need Dec either. The show is bigger than the presenters.
I wouldn't be surprised if Dec falls out with ITV because they bin off Ant and we have
Holly & Philip Schofield presenting it. How convenient would that be?
They could do it this morning for me.
Do any blue mooners actually vote.none of my mates or work mates vote so who actually vote or is it a scam
They have put twitcher underground in a coffin,he said at my age that doesn't look too good lol

I've tried to hate him but i can't

I think he is a decent bloke to be fair Karen

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