I found a wallet last night

mackenzie said:
My hubby found a purse very early one Sunday morning when he was walking the dogs. Looked like someone had dropped it after a night out as it was on the road and near the kerb (probably getting out of a taxi).

He just picked it up and brought it home, mainly because he was walking two dogs and they can be difficult on the lead. He's an honest bloke my hubby and just thought to get the dogs home and then see if he could work out who's purse it was and return, or just hand it into the Police.

It had some money in it, and also some ID.
Plus a bag of cocaine.

We burnt the lot.

Why burn the money?

Seems a little odd?
Timmmmahhhh said:
mackenzie said:
My hubby found a purse very early one Sunday morning when he was walking the dogs. Looked like someone had dropped it after a night out as it was on the road and near the kerb (probably getting out of a taxi).

He just picked it up and brought it home, mainly because he was walking two dogs and they can be difficult on the lead. He's an honest bloke my hubby and just thought to get the dogs home and then see if he could work out who's purse it was and return, or just hand it into the Police.

It had some money in it, and also some ID.
Plus a bag of cocaine.

We burnt the lot.

Why burn the money?

Seems a little odd?

Was only a fiver and some change, but hubby didn't want owt to do with it.
When I was a wee nipper I came out of a Maine Road night game with me Dad. Walking down the maize of alleys we came across the contents of someones wallet rifled through. Obviously the money was gone but we set to picking everything up. My Dad found the business card for a financial adviser at one of the highstreet banks and was doing his detective work thinking how we could return the contents. I found a polaroid of an exceptionally fat lass sat on a couch flashing her beaver. I passed it to my Dad who stuffed it back in the wallet quicktime. My first ever beaver shot.........it was a good few years later when I was sweet sixteen, sat on a couch with me first bird that I had the good fortune of realising not all beavers are the same....

God if the wife knew I write things like this on Bluemoon....I feel a bit like Vernon Kay.
was stuck behind some chinky person for ages at a cash point outside a branch of HSBC. when i say ages he was tapping about on the machine for a good 5 minutes. eventually the machine made a beeping noise, he takes his card out and walks into the bank. as i was next in line i go up to the cash point and it says 'please wait your cash is being counted' on the screen. sure enough a massive wedge that must have been to the £250 maximum limit comes out. anyway followed him in to the bank tapped him on the shoulder and went 'mate you forgot this' and give him his cash. turned out he spoke almost no english as he could just so 'arrrrhhh fanku,fanku,fankuuu'.

was instinct to hand it back to him and felt pretty pleased that id reunited him with his (presumably) hard earnt.

had the boot well and truly on the other foot when i left an envelope with four tonne in it on top of a pay phone whilst i made a call. by the time id relaised what id done it was too late. got to the phone box, the envelope was still there but all the cash had gone. was gutted and spent the rest of the week wondering how the **** that found it was spending it.
If anyone found a blackberry wed at Stoke fellow blues there is a reward for its return to myself!

Thanks in advance.

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